Modification of Steel Surface Using the Laser Energy Olga Chudina
Olga Chudina
Laser Alloying, Nitriding, Metallization, Diffusion Layer
Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology,
Vol.4 No.4,
The article is devoted to
surface hardening of steels by alloying with the use of laser energy. Two
combined technologies were proposed: first—laser alloying by nitride-forming
elements followed by nitriding, and second—the
local laser alloying followed by metallization in atmosphere of ammonia. It is shown
that laser alloying in continuous radiation forms a layer with a homogeneous
fine-grained structure with thickness of 600 microns. The subsequent nitriding
increases the microhardness of the surface layer of low-carbon steels to 20,000
MPa, increases wear-resistance in a 3 - 15 times and crack resistance in a 1.5
times. Two-stage technology of metallization allows getting diffusion layer on
the surface of steels with the thickness, which is 1.5 - 2 times higher than
after traditional metallization. In addition, this method of surface
modification can significantly reduce the temperature of diffusion
metallization and reduce the processing time to 3 hours. The optimal regimes of
both technologies, which provide homogeneous multiphase diffusion layers with
high hardness and wear resistance, were determined.