Macroscopic Quantum System, Highly Correlated Electron State, and High-Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides
M. V. Krasinkova
Highly Correlated Electron State, Superconductivity, Coulomb Interactions, Electron Crystals, Boson Wigner Crystal, Macroscopic Quantum System
Journal of Modern Physics,
Vol.5 No.7,
qualitative model of the high-temperature superconductivity suggested earlier
for cuprates and based on the idea that the superconductivity is associated
with delocalized π bonding between ions is not only confirmed by experimental
data on iron pnictides but is also improved. It is shown that the FeAs layer
state is similar to that of a macroscopic quantum system characterized by a
sandwich-type charge distribution in which negatively charged planes are
two-dimensional electron crystals of pairs and positively charged planes are
formed by positively charged ions. Superconductivity in such a system is
accomplished by a two-dimensional Wigner crystal of bosons condensed into one
and the same state. The crystal occupies a middle position with respect to
charged planes in the sandwich structure, which leads to mutual compensation of
all its interactions with all charged planes. The model can prove useful for
development of the theory of superconductivity taking into consideration the
highly correlated state of all valence electrons that manifests itself in
formation of electron crystals with strong Coulomb interactions between them.