Article citationsMore>>
Kostopoulou, E., Giannakopoulos, C., Anagnostopoulou, C., Tolika, K., Maheras, P., Vafiadis, M. and Founda, D. (2007) Simulating Maximum and Minimum Temperature over Greece: A Comparison of Three Downscaling Techniques. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 90, 65-82.
has been cited by the following article:
Impact on Water Resources in a Mountainous Basin under the Climate Change Transient Scenario (UKTR)
E. A. Baltas
Runoff; Transient Scenario; Climate Change; Water Balance
American Journal of Climate Change,
Vol.3 No.1,
The impact
of climate change on the hydrological regime and water resources in the basin of
Venetikos river, in Greece is assessed. A monthly conceptual water balance model
was calibrated in this basin using historical hydro meteorological data. This calibrated
model was used to estimate runoff under a transient scenario (UKTR) referring to
year 2080. The results show that the mean annual runoff, mean winter and summer
runoff values, annual maximum and minimum values, as well as, monthly maximum and
minimum, will be reduced. Additionally, an increase of potential and actual evapotranspiration
was noticed due to temperature increase.
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