Article citationsMore>>
Bobreshova, E.E., Kudryashov, V.N., Ryazantseva, I.N., Andreyeva, I.N., Valiyeva, N., Ogorodnikova, T.I. and Moshkova, Y.N. (2008) Microbial pigments to chemical technology. Kazan Press, 58-59.
has been cited by the following article:
Application of prodigiosin as a colorant for polyolefines
Irina Ryazantseva, Irina Andreyeva
Serratia marcescens; Pigment; Prodigiosin; Polyolefines; Dyeing
Advances in Biological Chemistry,
Vol.4 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Serratia marcescens strain 9986 is a producer of
prodigiosin used as a dye of polyolefines (polyethylene, ultratene). The
biosynthesis of pigment was closely connected with controlled growth
parameters. A prodigiosin yield 0.2 - 0.4 mg per l of culture medium in the
batch culture under aerobic conditions was obtained. Prodigiosin was extracted
from crude biomass treated by 0.1% of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). This novel
elaborated stage is necessary for thermostability a dye in polymer. The
consumption of prodigiosin preparation is more economical in the technology
of the coloration of polyolefines. The elaborated method has been
manufactured for dyeing polyethylene by biological pigment-articles of the
common use corresponding to the technological standard.
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