Isolation and Spasmolytic Evaluation of New Alkaloids from Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn. (Fabaceae)
Amenan Geneviève N’guessan-Irié, Joël Dade, Pierre Champy, N’doua Gisèle Siransy-Kouakou, Véronique Leblais
Alkaloids Isolated; Plant; Spasmolytic; Asthma
Pharmacology & Pharmacy,
Vol.4 No.9,
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn. (Fabaceae) root
bark is used in Ivorian Traditional Medicine to treat asthma, which is a respiratory disorder characterized by
inflammation and the restriction of tracheal muscles obstructing the air circulation.
The tracheal relaxant effect of a crude aqueous-alcoholic extract of the plant root
bark was previously shown. For the present study, alkaloids were isolated from the
same extract and investigated ex vivo in C57Bl/6j mice isolated trachea contracted
with carbachol 1 μM, in comparison with a reference bronchodilatator, i.e. salbutamol. Two extraction procedures
allowed isolating 2 Alkaloids that monodimensional and bi-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass
specters allowed identifying a pyrolidine structure type nucleus with a long bi-hydroxyled
alkyl chain. Alkaloid 1, carrier of a sugar, is a glycoside of Alkaloid 2. Both
alkaloids induced similar spasmolytic effects, but Alkaloid 1 was more effective than Alkaloid
2 at 9 × 10-6 M (p 0.01), 3 × 10-5 M, and 9 × 10-5 M (p 0.001). Salbutamol induced its spasmolytic
effect in a different way, and its maximal effect Emax (less than 30%)
was obtained at 9 × 10-6 M, while Emax of both alkaloids (100%) was obtained at 3 × 10-4 M.