Jejunal Stromal Tumor Revealed by a Digestive Hemorrhage
Mountassir Moujahid, Issam Ennafae, Mohamed Ghari, Khalid Chekoura, Youness Issaoui, My Hassan Tahiri
Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumor; Jejunum Location; Digestive Haemorrhage; Diagnostic and Treatment
International Journal of Clinical Medicine,
Vol.4 No.11,
Introduction: Gastro
intestinal stromal tumors are rare which can arise at any age, mostly between
50 and 60 years old. They are characterized
by the expression on the surface of their cells, a specific gene c-kit. They
can be located in any segment of the digestive tract, with a preference for the
stomach (60%). The jejunum location is found in 200% to 30% of the cases. The originality of our observation is the revelation
of a stromal jejunum tumor by a digestive bleeding. Case Report: A 71-year-old man was admitted in emergencies for a low digestive plentiful
bleeding with state of hypovolemia shock. Result: The operation was performed after stabilization of
his dynamic state and blood transfusion and we discovered a jejunal stromal tumor
in operation. The follow-up was simple with a good evolution under treatment by
Imatinib. Conclusion: Stromal digestive tumors are rare which can interest all the segments of the digestive
tract and their diagnosis must be often evoked in front of
any digestive bleeding.