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Collin, P., Kaukinen, K., Vogelsang, H., Korponay-Szabó, I., Sommer, R., Schreier, E., Volta, U., Granito, A., Veronesi, L., Mascart, F., Ocmant, A., Ivarsson, A., Lagerqvist, C., Bürgin-Wolff, A., Hadziselimovic, F, Furlano, R.I., Sidler, M.A., Mulder, C.J., Goerres, M.S., Mearin, M.L., Ninaber, M.K., Gudmand-Hoyer, E., Fabiani, E., Catassi, C., Tidlund, H., Alainentalo, L. and Maki, M. (2005) Antiendomysial and antihuman recombinant tissue transglutaminase antibodies in the diagnosis of coeliac disease: A biopsy-proven European multicentre study. European Journal Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 17, 85-91. doi:10.1097/00042737-200501000-00017

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