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Lobovikov, V. (2016). A Structural-Functional Analogy between Logic and Pure A-Priori Nature-Philosophy Exemplified by the Third Law of Newton Mechanics (Implication and Correction in Logic as Vector Operations, and the Third Law of Mechanics as a Law of Contraposition) [Strukturno-funkcional’naya analogiya mezhdu logikoj i chistym estestvoznaniem a priori na primere tret’ego zakona N’yutona (Implikaciya i korrekciya v logike kak vektornye operacii i tretij zakon N’yutona kak zakon kontrapozicii)]. Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 3: Social Sciences [Izvestiya Ural’skogo Federal’nogo Universiteta. Seriya 3: Obshchestvennye nauki], 11, 31-44. (In Russian)

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