The Benefits of Person-Centred Clinical Supervision in Municipal Healthcare—Employees’ Experience
Christianne E. Nordbøe, Ingela Enmarker
Person-Centred Clinical Supervision, Municipal Healthcare Professionals, Qualitative Content Analysis
Open Journal of Nursing,
Vol.7 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Satisfied employees in healthcare services who have opportunities to develop their professional competence by reflecting on professional challenges play an important role in the quality of care. The aim of the present study was to describe the employees’ experience of the benefits of participating in a person-centred clinical supervision setting. The supervision, guided by a professional supervisor, was carried out with a group of six day- and night-shift municipal healthcare professionals for a period of four months during their mandatory work hours. Data were obtained from written individual evaluations and group interviews shortly after the last session and again twelve months later. The results showed that the participants experienced that their internal resources and coping skills had been strengthened by the supervision. They developed abilities to meet the challenges more constructively than before. New understandings gave them the opportunity to alternative actions in practice. Further intervention studies of person-centred clinical supervision must focus on such clinical outcomes as patient safety and professional development.