1. Introduction
Many mathematicians have studied fixed point theory over the last several decades since Banach contraction principle [1] was introduced in 1992. The notion of Meir-Keeler function [2] was introduced in 1969. Then the concept of weaker Meir-Keeler function [3] was introduced by Chi-Ming Chen in 2012. And in this paper, we establish fixed point for Meir-Keeler function and weaker Meir-Keeler function in a complete new type of generalized matric space, which is called by b2-metric space, and this space was generalized from both 2-metric space [4] [5] [6] and b-metric space [7] [8].
2. Preliminaries
Throughout this paper N will denote the set of all positive integers and R will denote the set of all real numbers.
Before stating our main results, some necessary definitions might be introduced as follows.
Definition 2.1 [2] Let X be a nonempty subsets,
an operator. Then
is called a cyclic representation of X with respect to f if
are empty subsets of X,
Definition 2.2 [2] A function
is said to be a Meir-Keeler function if for each
, there exists
such that for each
, we have
Definition 2.3 [3] We call
a weak Meir-Keeler function if for each
such that for each
, there exists
such that
Definition 2.4 [4] [5] [6] Let X be an nonempty set and let
be a map satisfying the following conditions:
1) For every pair of distinct points
, there exists a point
such that
2) If at least two of three points
are the same, then
3) The symmetry:
for all
4)The rectangle inequality:
for all
Then d is called a 2 metric on X and
is called a 2 metric space.
Definition 2.5 [7] [8] Let X be a nonempty set and
be a given real number. A
is a b metric on X if for all
, the following conditions hold:
if and only if
In this case, the pair
is called a b metric space.
Definition 2.6 [9] Let X be a nonempty set,
be a real number and let
be a map satisfying the following conditions:
1) For every pair of distinct points
, there exists a point
such that
2) If at least two of three points
are the same, then
3) The symmetry:
for all
4) The rectangle inequality:
, for all
Then d is called a b2 metric on X and
is called a b2 metric space with parameter s. Obviously, for
, b2 metric reduces to 2-metric.
Definition 2.7 [9] Let
be a sequence in a b2 metric space
1) A sequence
is said to be b2-convergent to
, written as
, if all
is Cauchy sequence if and only if
, when
. for all
is said to be complete if every b2-Cauchy sequence is a b2-convergent sequence.
Definition 2.8 [9] Let
be two b2-metric spaces and let
be a mapping. Then f is said to be b2-continuous,at a point
if for a given
, there exists
such that
for all
imply that
. The mapping f is b2-continuous on X if it is b2-continuous at all
Definition 2.9 [9] Let
be two b2-metric spaces. Then a mapping
is b2-continuous at a point
if and only if it is b2-sequentially continuous at x; that is, whenever
is b2-convergent to x,
is b2-convergent to
3. Main Results
In this section, we give and prove a generalization of the Meir-Keeler fixed point theorem [2].
Theorem 3.1. Let
be a complete b2-metric space and let f be a mapping on X, for each
, there exists
such that
for all
. Then there exists a unique fixed point z of f. Moreover
for all
Proof If
, then we can easily get that
. So, by hypothesis,
holds for all
. We also get
for all
Fix point
in X and define a sequence
in X by
. From the above (3.1) we get
, so we know that
is a decreasing sequence, and the sequence
converges to some
. We assume that
, then we know that
for every
, then there exists
such that (a) is true with
, for the definition of
, there exists
such that
, so we have
, which is a contraction. Therefore
, and that is:
Now we show that
From part 2 of Definition 2.6, the equation
is obtained. Since
is decreasing, if
, then
, then it is easy to get
, for all
. (3.2)
, we get
and that is
, from (3.2)
, (3.3)
From (3.2) and triangular inequality,
And since, and from the inequality above,
, for all. (3.4)
Now for all, the condition of is considered here, from the above equation
From (3.5) and triangular inequality, therefore
In conclusion, the result below is true
, for all. (3.6)
Now we fix, then there exists such that (a) is true. Let such that
, for all with.(3.7)
Now we will show that
for (3.8)
By induction, when, it is true for (3.8). We assume that (3.8) holds for some.
In one case, we have
From (3.6) and (3.7) we have
In other case, where, since
We get and then we have
So for (3.9) and (3.10), (3.8) is true for every. Therefore we have
, for all. This shows that is a Cauchy sequence.
Since X is complete, there exists a point such that sequence converges to it. From the following two respectively cases, we will show that this point is a fixed point for f.
Case one: There exists such that.
Case two:, for all.
In the first case, we know that for. Since as, then we get for. This prove that.
In the second case, we know that, for all, so we get sequence is strictly decreasing. If we assume that
for some. For the first inequality of the above assumption, we choose, then we have
Then we have
This is a contraction. So we get either
or for all. Since as, the above inequality prove that there exists a sub sequence of sequence, which converges to fz. This shows that z is a fixed point of f. Next we prove that z is the unique fixed point of f. Suppose that z and y are two different fixed point of f, from the assumption of this theorem, we get
from the above inequality we have
This is a contraction. Hence z is a unique fixed point of f. £
In this section, we prove a fixed point theory for the cyclic weaker Meir-Keeler function in b2-metric space. Now we give some comments as follows:
is a set, where is a weaker Meir-Keeler function and satisfying the following conditions:
()for, and;
() For all, is decreasing;
() For, if, then.
, where is a non-increasing and continuous function with for all and.
We now introduce the following definition of cyclic weaker -contraction mapping in b2-metric space:
Definition 3.2 Let be a b2-metric space, are all nonempty subsets of. A mapping is said to be cyclic weaker -contraction in b2-metric space if satisfying the following condition:
1) with respect of f, it is a cyclic representation of X.
2), for any, such that
, where, and.
Theorem 3.3 Let be a b2-metric space, are all nonempty subsets of. Let be cyclic weaker -contraction in b2-metric space, then f has a unique fixed point in.
Proof Let be an arbitrary point in X and we define a sequence by, for all, if there exists some such that then. Thus is a fixed point of f. Suppose that for all, we know that there exists such that and for any. Since be cyclic weaker -contraction, we get
Since sequence is decreasing for all, and this sequence must converge to some. We get by the following assumption.
First we assume that, since is defined as a weaker Meir-Keeler function, there exists such that for, there exists such that, from , we know that there exists such that, for all. Thus we get a conclusion, which is a contraction. Thus, and that is,.
Now we prove that is a Cauchy sequence.
Suppose to the contrary, that is, is not a Cauchy sequence. Then there exists for which we can find two sub sequences and such that and
and (3.12)
From the part 4 of Definition 3.6 and (3.6), we get
Taking, from (3.6) and (3.12) we have
Now by using the condition that f is a cyclic weaker -contraction, we get
Letting and using the condition of, we get
From (3.13) and (3.14), which is a contraction. Therefore is a Cauchy sequence in X.
Since X is a complete set, there exists a point such that,. For is a cyclic representation of X respect to f, thus in each for, the sequence has infinite term. A sub sequence of, we take this sub sequence and it also all converge to z, for all. Since
From the above inequality, letting, we get, so.
Now we prove the fixed point is unique for f. Suppose there exists another fixed point y, since f gets the cyclic character, we have. Since f is a cyclic weaker -contraction, we get
then we get
, that is, we get the result of the uniqueness of point z. £
*Corresponding author.