1. Introduction
In the present investigation, we revisit the problem of bifurcation of limit cycles. The problem of limit cycle was studied intensively. For Liénard, we can read [1] - [8], and for non Liénard we can read [9] - [19].
We give criterion for the non Liénard system to have or not to have limit cycles with some parameters. We also demonstrate that the system exhibits a Hopf-bifurcation. Now we consider the following Liénard equation
The above equation may be written in two dimensional autonomous dynamical system
. (2)
Therefore, the above equations can be written in the Liénard plane as
Theorem 1.1 [11] Suppose that for system (1.1), there exist
such that
, and
, then (1.1) has at most one limit cycle in D, which is simple and stable, if exists.
Theorem 1.2 [11] If, in system (1.1),
), and equality holds only for at most a finite number of points, then (1.1) has no closed orbits in closed region
In Section 2, the main system equations results have been presented, the section has been divided in two cases.
The case I considered the conditions that the system has a limit cycle when
is an anti saddle.
Finally, the case of saddle point with limit cycle is presented in theorems and lemmas in Section 4 along with the concluding remakes.
2. The Basic System Equations and Results
The main part of this paper is devoted to explain the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles of the following differential equations system
the singular points of the system are
The Jacobian matrix
has the determinant
the origin O is anti saddle and for
the origin O is saddle for more details (see [5] ).
The system (2.2) needs to change to the Liénard system (1.1).
after simplify and substitute
so that we have
After change z to y we can get system (1.1) as follows
The system (2.4) is considered in two cases.
Case I: The Origin is an anti Saddle
The case under consideration is
, in this case and as above the system (2.4) has unique equilibrium point
which is an anti saddle.
Lemma 2.1
system (2.4) has no limit cycle.
, then
. Thus
and by using theorem (1.2) there is no limit cycle so we just look for
In the case of
O becomes saddle also for
or (
) O is node in two cases no limit cycles surround O. Thus, in the sequel, we only need to consider
Consider the polynomial Liénard system of degree n
Lemma 2.2 [11]
For system (2.5) with
, the first three focal values at
is positive constant.
By scaling
[where new
], then system (2.4) becomes
Therefore the three focal values of
and by using Lemma 2.2 namely are
then O, is strong focus which is unstable for
and stable if
, and for
, then O is weak focus of order one which is stable.
By using Hopf-bifurcation (by changing of stability), for
no limit cycle because no change of stability if
, then O is weak focus of order one which is stable. Thus as a decreasing from −1 O becomes unstable and one stable limit cycle appears from Hopf-bifurcation.
Theorem 2.3
the system (2.4) has a unique stable limit cycle.
Now we apply theorem (1.1) consider
has only one root which is
. For
the roots are
. The roots of
has minimum at
Since we have
, then we deduce that
then the term
and the value of
in the interval
. Finally since
so we have
Case II: The Origin is a saddle
In this case, we discuss system (2.4) when
and as above the system has three equilibrium points
trance the
to the Origin by the relation
, (2.4) is converted into
By using Hopf-bifurcation, for
no limit cycle because no change of stability if
, then O becomes weak focus of order one which is stable.
Thus for fixe b
is bifurcate value so as
increasing, O becomes unstable and one stable limit cycle appear from Hopf-bifurcation.
Lemma 3.1
equivalent to
Assume that
, then we have
contradiction. Thus for
also we get
Lemma 3.2 [10]
If there exists a constant
such that
, System (2.8) has at most one limit cycle.
We have by putting
and after simplify we have
so we have
, we can delete from upper equation and for suitable a as small enough we have
3. Conclusion
A non-Liénard system is studied and analyzed by adapting Hopf-bifurcation theory. It has been proved that the system has unique limit cycle under some change of parameters under two cases. Bendixons theorem is used to prove non-existence of limit cycles.
I would like to express my thanks to Prof. V.P. Sing, Depr. of Mathematics Albaha University for his voluble suggestion for improving the paper.