Existence and Multiplicities of Solutions for Asymptotically Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Satisfying Sturm-Liouville BVPs with Resonance ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, we investigate the nontrivial solutions of asymptotically linear ordinary differential equations satisfying Sturm-Liouville BVPs with resonance. Various boundary value problems of asymptotically linear ordinary differential equations have been studied before. Most of them are gotten by the topological degree theory. There are also some papers about resonant problem. But the asymptotically linear ordinary differential equations with resonance aren’t concerned ago. Here, we concern asymptotically linear ordinary differential equations satisfying both Sturm-Liouville boundary value and resonance. We solve the problem to get Theorem 1.1 in the following section.
Now, we consider solutions of the following Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem:
. In this paper,
denotes the derivative with respect to x. Our main result is the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1 Assume that
in [1], i.e.
and (1.2)-(1.3) has one nontrivial solution
. f satisfies the following two conditions:
, r is a constant,
, where
For the sake of convenience, we denote
, and
is a nontrivial solution of
and (1.2)-(1.3),
. Then (1.1-1.3) has at least one nontrivial solution. Moreover, if we assume
Then (1.1-1.3) has at least two nontrivial solutions.
In this paper, for any
denote its index and nullity of the associated linear ordinary differential equation (see [2] [3] for reference). In Section 2, we will briefly recall the index and its properties. For the readers’ convenience, we give an example: Assume
is a constant,
. Then
In [2], an index for second order linear Hamiltonian systems was defined. And in [3], an index for more general linear self-adjoint operator equations was developed. In [4] [5] [6] [7], by Conley, Zehnder and Long, an index theory for sympletic paths was defined. More applications about these index theories can be found in [8] - [13]. As in [11], throughout this paper, for
, we write
, if
, for
; we write
, if
, and
holds on a subset of
with nonzero measure.
It is well known [14] that under non-resonant conditions
the existence of solutions of a second order nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Such conditions are called nonresonant. Resonant conditions in [15] [16] :
are not enough for existence solutions of (1.1-1.2). An additional condition called the (LL) condition like (H3) is usually needed. For resonant conditions, we refer to [15] [16] [17]. These three papers [14] [15] [16] are about existence of solutions.
In [18], under resonance conditions, periodic solutions of nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations are considered. Second order Hamiltonian systems satisfying Sturm-Liouville boundary vale with the nonresanonce are considered in [3]. First order asymptotical linear Hamiltonian systems satisfying Sturm-Liouville boundary vale with the nonresanonce are studied in [19]. In [20] [21],
, the existence of solutions of (1.1-1.3) is investigated.
In this paper, we study the existence of equations with resonance conditions. In order to prove our theorem, we construct the corresponding functional:
π, and E will be described in Section 2. This functional
is continuous differentiable on E, and any critical point of
corresponds to a solution of (1.1)-(1.3).
In Section 3, we will give proofs by the Morse theory following [11] [17].
2. Index Theory for Linear Duffing Equations
For any
, consider the following equation:
. Define a Hilbert space
. Here
. With norm
and a bilinear form as
as follows
From proposition 2.1.1 and 2.3.3 in [3], we have the following properties.
Proposition 2.1 For any
1) The E can be divided into three parts:
such that
is positive definite, null and negative definite on
respectively. Furthermore,
are finitely dimensional. We call
the nullity and index respectively.
is the dimension of the solution subspace of (2.1-2.3), and
4) If
, then
; if
, then
5) There exists
such that
Remarks: 1) The notation
means that the space E is the direct sum of some subspaces.
2) By 4), we can see the index has monotonicity.
1) Let
, and
. Then (2.1) has a nontrivial solution
. So
. If
, and
, then (2.1) has a nontrivial solution
. So
. If
, and
, then (2.1) has a nontrivial solution
. So by Proposition 2.1 (3),
The following lemmas are useful for us to prove the results.
Lemma 2.2 The norm
, for any
, where
is a positive constant.
Lemma 2.3 If (H1) holds, then we have that
, where
is given in Theorem 1.1.
Proof By Proposition 2.1 (1) and conditions
, we have that
By Proposition 2.1 (1) and (3), we know that with respect to
, the following decomposition holds,
is one dimensional space, we can assume that
is a base of
, i.e.
. So for any
, we have
, and
is a constant. For
, we have the decomposition
, where
is a constant. It is obvious that
. Indeed, if
, then
. By definition of
, we will have a contradiction that
. So we obtain
We have proved that
. It is also obvious that
. In fact that if
, we have that on the one hand for
. Then there exists a
such that
on the other hand for
By Proposition 2.1 (1) and (2.2), we have
. This is a contradiction. So the proof is completed.
Remark: For
, we can define
In order to prove Theorem 1.1, we need some lemmas. Let X be a Hilbert space and
. As in [17], let
. For an isolated critical point
, the critical group is defined by
, where U is a neighborhood of
such that
, we have
is a self-adjoint operator. We call the dimension of negative space corresponding to the spectral decomposing the Morse index of p and denote it by
, and denote by
. If
has a bounded inverse we say that p is nondegenerate.
From Theorem 3.1 in Chapter 3, Theorem 5.1, 5.2, Corollary 5.2 in Chapter 5 in [17], one can prove the following lemma.
Lemma 2.4. Assume
satisfies the (PS) condition,
, where
is the zero vector in X and
is the zero vector in
which is the dual space of X, and there is a positive integer
such that
some regular
, here
. Then
has a critical point
. Moreover, if
is a nondegenerate critical point, and
, then
has another critical point
The following lemma is also useful for us to prove the main result.
Lemma 2.5 (Fatou’s lemma). Given a measure space
and a set
, let
be a sequence of
-measurable non-negative functions
, where
denotes the σ-algebra of Borel sets on
. Define the function
by setting
for every
. Then f is
-measurable, and
Remark The integrals may be finite or infinite.
3. Proof of the Main Result
The proof of Theorem 1.1 will depend on the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1 Under (H1),(H2), and (H3), the functional
satisfies the (PS) condition.
Proof For
, and
is bounded, we shall find a convergent subsequence in E. By (1.3), for
, we have
Next, we will prove
is bounded. Indeed, it suffices to prove that
is bounded. By a contradiction, we assume that
, as
from (H1), (H2) and
is continuous, we have
is a constant. Then we get
By (3.1), it follows that
, by (3.4), and multiplying
on both sides of (3.5), we can get that
Furthermore, we add
on two sides of (3.6) to obtain that
So, by
and (3.3) we have
are constants. So
is bounded. Then
has a convergent subsequence. Without loss of generality, we also denoted by
. Then
in E and
. By inequality
, we have
. Then taking the limits on both sides of (3.6), we have, for any
From (3.7) and [3], we have that
is a solution of the following problem:
What’s more, since
, we have
. In fact, by the meaning of the notation “<” and “
”, on the one hand, if
, then
. Therefore, by the definition
, this means that (3.8) only has a trivial solution. In fact, by
, we obtain
. So (3.8) has a nontrivial solution. This is a contradiction. On the other hand, if
, then
holds. While
is a nontrivial solution of (3.8), this leads
. So by Proposition 2.1 (4), we get
. This is also a contradiction. From discussion above, we obtain the conclusion that
. So we immediately get
, there are two cases about
. One is that
, the other is that
. Without loss of generality, if
, we assume
, and if
, we assume
. Firstly, we discuss the situation that
. If
, i.e.
, then for
such that for
holds. Here, we take the
such that
, i.e. when
belong to the neighborhood of
, for all
. This means
, as
, for all
So by
, we can get that for any
. Then
for all
, as
. By the assumption that
, as
, taking the limits on both sides of (3.1) and letting
, we can obtain
So, by (H3), and (3.9), the following holds
Furthermore, by the Fatou’s Lemma and (3.10), we have
a contradiction to assumption (H3). Hence, if
, this leads to a contradiction. Secondly, in a similar way, we can show that if
, there also be a contradiction. Therefore, the sequence
is a bounded sequence. By the equality
and the fact that
is bounded, we can get that
is bounded in E. Furthermore,
has a weak convergent subsequence in E, without loss of generality, still denoted by
. So we have
in E and
. In addition, by (3.1), we also have
At last, we only need to finish the mission that
in E. Indeed, by (3.5), (3.11) and
, we obtain the fact that
The (PS) condition is verified.
After the preliminary work, we can prove Theorem 1.1.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Since
for any
, by Lemma 2.4, we only need to prove
large enough, where
. By Lemma 2.3, we know that E can be split into two subspaces
, i.e.
Next, we will take two steps to obtain the proof of (3.12).
First step: For
large enough, we have
will be defined later. By assumption, for any
, we have
We will consider the behavior of f in two subintervals of
. One is
, the other is
. Since f is continuous on
, it is obvious that
is bounded on
. So there exists a constant
such that
By Lemma 2.3, we have a decomposition with respect to
, i.e. there exist
, and
such that
. When
, we have
. Furthermore, we get
So by (15), we have
By (H1), we have
is a constant. By (3.14), (3.16), (3.17), Proposition 2.1 (5) and Lemma 2.3, we obtain
are constants. And hence, there exists
such that
, where
. We want to define a deformation from
. Since for every
, f is decreasing along vector field
, we can define the flow
, which is the first time that
arrives at
. Then the deformation is
One can verify that
is continuous and satisfy
is a deformation retract of
. So (3.13) is verified.
Second step: we will prove the following
for any
large enough. In fact, assuming that
, by (H1), we will have two cases: one is
, another is
. Firstly, we analyze the situation that
. Since
is a monotonically increasing nonnegative function with respect to
, by (H3), we have
, for all
holds. What’s more, since
for all
. So there exists a
, such that
, i.e.
So letting
, where
, l is fixed and
, we have
Furthermore, by (3.19), we obtain
So we get
, as
, uniformly in
. Secondly, we analyze the situation that
. In a similar way, we also get
, as
, uniformly in
. So we obtain that
Thus, there exist
such that
by remark. For the sake of convenience, we set
. Then (3.20) can also be denoted as
We now begin to define a deformation from
. For every
, since the flow is defined by
is continuous with respect to t,
, so the time
arriving at
exists uniquely and is defined by
. Since
, the continuity of
comes from the implicit function theorem.
is continuous, and is a deformation from
is a strong deformation retract. Hence,
Recall that for any topological spaces
, we have exact sequences
From (3.20), in order to prove
we only to prove
And from (3.21), it suffices to verify
We can verify that
is continuous, where
, and satisfies
for any
. So
. And
for any
. So
. We can also see that
. Then
is a deformation retract of
. This means (3.22) and hence (3.21) holds. Finally from (3.21) we have
Here in the second
we used the deformation
defined by
, and excision property. So (3.18) is proved. And by (3.13) and (3.18), (3.12) is obtained. The proof is completed.
In our theorem, we get one nontrivial solution of Equations (1.1)-(1.3). By adding assumption (H4), we get two nontrivial solutions of Equations (1.1)-(1.3).
4. Conclusion
By index theories established in this paper, and Morse theory, we study the functional corresponding to the problem to obtain more nontrivial solutions of asymptotically linear ordinary differential equations satisfying Sturm-Liouville BVPs with resonance. It’s better than the results obtained by topological degree method.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the editors and reviewers for their remarkable comments, suggestions, and ideas that helped to improve this paper.
This research work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11501178).