Fixed Point Results for K-Iteration Using Non-Linear Type Mappings ()
1. Introduction and Preliminary Definitions
be a metric space and
be a self map defined on X. Let
denote the set of fixed point of T. For
, the sequence
defined by
is called the Picard iteration.
, the sequence
defined by
*Corrosponding author.
is a sequence in
such that
is called the Mann iteration process [1] .
In 2013, Khan [2] produced a new type of iteration process by introducing the concept of the following Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process for a single mapping T. For the initial value
, the sequence
defined by
is a sequence in
Khan [2] showed that the rate of convergence of Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process is more than the Picard iteration scheme, Mann iteration scheme [1] and Ishikawa iterative schemes [3] .
In this direction Gursoy and Karakaya [4] , gave new iteration process as follows:
For the initial value
, the sequence
defined by
is a sequence in
is known as Picard-S iterative process. By giving appropriate example, Gursoy and Karakaya [4] proved that their iterative process has better convergence rate than Picard, Mann, Ishikawa, Noor and Normal-S iterative processes.
Karakaya et al. in their paper [5] , introduced a new hybrid iterative process as
is a sequence in
With the help of suitable example it was claimed by Karakaya et al. [5] , that their iteration process converges faster than the iteration process of Gursoy and Karakaya [4] .
In 2016, Thakur et al. [6] introduced a new iteration scheme called Thakur New Iteration Scheme as for the initial value
, the sequence
defined by
is a sequence in
In [6] it was claimed that the Thakur New Iteration Scheme has higher convergence rate than the iteration process of Karakaya et al. [7] .
In the recent work of Hussain et al. [8] , a new iteration scheme has been developed and it is claimed that it has better convergence rate than the iterative process Thakur et al. [6] . This iteration process is called K-iteration process and is given as:
For the initial value
, the sequence
defined by
is a sequence in
In the present work we shall generalize some convergence and stability results for K-iteration process. We shall also prove convergence and stability results for more general form of K-iteration process and K-iteration process for a pair of two distinct mappings.
Definition 1.1 [3] : Let X be a real Banach space. The mapping
is said to be asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive if
and there exists a sequence
such that
for all
Definition 1.2 [9] : Let X be a real Banach space. The mapping
is said to be mean non-expansive if there exists two non negative real numbers
such that
and for all
Definition 1.3 [10] : Let
be any sequence in X. Then the iterative process
which converges to a fixed point q, is said to be stable with respect to the mapping T if for
, we have
if and only if
Definition 1.4 [7] : A space X is said to satisfy Opial’s condition if for each sequence
in X such that
converges weakly to x we have for all
following holds:
Lemma 1.5 [11] : Let
be non-negative real sequences satisfying the inequality:
, for all
, then
Lemma 1.6 [12] : Let
be a real number such that
, and
be a sequence of positive numbers such that
. Then for any sequence of positive numbers
, we have
Lemma 1.7 [13] : Let X be a real Banach space and
be any sequence in X such that
for all
. Let
be non-negative real sequences satisfying
holds for some
. Then
2. Main Results
Theorem 2.1: Let X be a Banach space and
be a mapping satisfying the condition
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (1.7). Then the sequence
converges strongly to
Proof: From (1.7) and (2.1) we have,
Again using (1.7) and (2.1) we get,
Using (2.4) in (2.3) we get,
Using (2.5) in (2.2) we get,
. Hence by using lemma (1.6), we have
Hence the sequence
converges strongly to q.
Corollary 2.2: (Akewe and Okeke [14] ) Let X be a Banach space and
be a mapping satisfying the condition
. Let
be the sequence defined by the Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process given by (1.3). Then the sequence
converges strongly to q.
Remark 2.3: Theorem 2.1 gives generalization to many results in the literature by considering a wider class of contractive type operators and more general iterative process, including the results of Chidume [15] , Bosede and Rhoades [16] and Akewe and Okeke [14] .
Theorem 2.4: Let X be a Banach space and
be a mapping satisfying the condition
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (1.7). Then the iteration process (1.7) is T-stable.
Proof: By theorem 2.1, the sequence
converges strongly to q. Let
be real sequences in X.
, where
and let
We shall prove that
Again using (1.7) and (2.1) we get,
Using (2.8) in (2.7) we get,
Using (2.9) in (2.6) we get,
and since
we have by lemma (1.6)
Conversely let
. We shall show that
Substituting (2.9) in (2.11),
, we have from (2.12)
. Hence the K-iteration scheme is T-stable.
From theorem 2.4, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 2.5: Let X be a Banach space and
be a mapping satisfying the condition
. Let
be the sequence defined by the Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process given by (1.3). Then the iteration process (1.3) is T-stable.
Example 2.6: Let
and consider the mapping
. The clearly the mapping T satisfies the inequality (2.1). Now
. Now we claim that the K-iteration scheme (1.7) is T-stable. Let us take
and consider the sequences
. Then clearly
Taking limit
in (2.13), we have
. Hence the K-iteration process is T-stable.
Now we shall prove the convergence and stability results for asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mapping by considering the more general form of K-iteration process as:
, where
, (2.14)
Theorem 2.7: Let H be a non-empty closed convex subset of a Banach space X and
be asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mapping with real sequence
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (2.14) and satisfies the assumption that
. Then the sequence
converges strongly to some fixed point q of the mapping T.
Proof: From the iterative process (2.14) we have,
Again using (2.14) we have,
By repeating the above process, we have the following inequalities
So we can write,
for all
. Now
, so we can write,
Taking limit
in (2.18), we have
, that is the sequence
converges strongly to fixed point q of the mapping T.
Theorem 2.8: Let H be a non-empty closed convex subset of a Banach space X and
be asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mapping with real sequence
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (2.14) and satisfies the assumption that
. Then the iterative process (2.14) is T-stable.
Proof: Let
be any arbitrary sequence. Let the sequence generated by the iterative process (2.14) is
converging to the fixed point q.
We shall prove that
if and only if
First suppose
. Now we have
Now using (2.19) together with lemma (1.5), we have
that is
Conversely let
. we have
Taking limit
both sides of (6) we have
. Hence (2.14) is T-stable.
Now we shall prove the convergence results for mean non-expansive mapping by modifying the K-iteration process for two mappings as:
, where
, (2.20)
Lemma 2.9: Let H be a non-empty closed convex subset of a Banach space X and
be two mean non-expansive mapping such that
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (2.20). Then
exists for some
Proof: We have
Again using (2.20) and (2.21)
Again using (2.20) and (2.22)
This shows that
is non-increasing and bounded sequence for
. Hence
Lemma 2.10: Let
be a non-empty closed convex subset of a Banach space
be two mean non-expansive mapping such that
. Let
be the sequence defined by the K-iterative process given by (2.20). Also consider that
for some
. Then
Proof: Let
. In lemma (2.9) we have proved the existence of
. Let
. (2.24)
W.L.O.G. let
Now from (2.20) and (2.24) we have,
Implies that
and hence
which implies that
Taking limit inferior in (2.27) we obtain
From (2.20) and (2.28) we have
Now from (2.24), (2.26), (2.29) and lemma (1.7), we have
Using the conditions of the lemma in (2.30), we can write
Using (2.24), (2.30), (2.31) along with the lemma (1.7), we have
Theorem 2.11: Let H be a non-empty closed convex subset of a Banach space X satisfying Opial’s condition and S, T and
be same as defined in the lemma (2.10) .Then the sequence
converges weakly to some
Proof: From lemma (2.10) we have,
Since X is uniformly convex and hence it is reflexive so there exists a subsequence
such that
converges weakly to some
. Since H is closed so
. Now we claim the weak convergence of
. Let it is not true, then there exists a subsequence of
which converges weakly to
and let
. Also
. Now from lemma (2.9)
both exist. Using Opial’s condition we have,
This is a contradiction, so we must have
. Thus the sequence
converges weakly to some
Theorem 2.12: Let H be a non-empty closed compact subset of a Banach space X and S, T and
be same as defined in the lemma (2.10). Then the sequence
converges strongly to some
Proof: Since H is compact and hence it is sequentially compact. So there exists a subsequence
which converges to
Taking limit
in (2.32) we have,
that is
. We have earlier proved that
exists for
. Hence the sequence
converges strongly to some
In [8] it is proves that the K-iteration process converges faster than Picard-S, Thakur-New and Vatan two-step iterative process. Now we shall compare the rate of convergence the K-iteration process defined in [8] and our new modified K-iteration process for two mappings.
Table 1. Iterative values of K-iteration process and Modified K-iteration process.
Example 2.13: Let
be two mappings defined by
. Let
be the sequences defined by
. Let the initial approximation be
. Clearly S, T has
unique common fixed point 2. The convergence pattern of K-iteration process and modified K-iteration process is shown in Table 1.
Clearly we can conclude from Table 1, that the modified K-iteration process has better rate of convergence than the k-iteration process.