The Physical Transient Spectrum for a Multi-Photon V-Type Three-Level Atom Interacting with a Squeezed Coherent Field in the Presence of Nonlinearities
Fahmy K. Faramawy, Abd El-Hameed Abd-Riheem Eied
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.212201   PDF    HTML     4,351 Downloads   7,465 Views  


We study the interaction of a multi-photon three-level atom with a single mode field in a cavity, taking explicitly into account the existence of forms of nonlinearities of both the field and the intensity-dependent atom-field coupling. The analytical forms of the emission spectrum is calculated using the dressed states of the system. The effects of photon multiplicities, mean photon number, detuning, Kerr-like medium and the intensity-dependent coupling functional on the emission spectrum are analyzed.

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Faramawy, F. and Eied, A. (2011) The Physical Transient Spectrum for a Multi-Photon V-Type Three-Level Atom Interacting with a Squeezed Coherent Field in the Presence of Nonlinearities. Applied Mathematics, 2, 1425-1431. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.212201.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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