Tornado-like non-stationary vortices: experimental modelling under laboratory conditions
Viktor N. Kopeitsev, Mikhael E. Romash, Aleksei Y. Varaksin
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.311116   PDF    HTML     12,175 Downloads   28,896 Views   Citations


The purposes of the paper are threefold: 1) to show the fundamental possibility of physical simulation of non-stationary wall-free concentrated air vortices (called here as tornado-like vortices) under laboratory conditions without using of the mechanical rotation, 2) to find the heating rates of underlying surface and air temporal and spatial temperature shear which lead to the stable genesis of wall-free vortices, and 3) to investigate the some parameters of the process of generation of vortices and their characteristics. The wall-free vortices were generated over underlying surface of aluminum sheet due to its controlled heating from below as a result of development of unstable stratifycation of air.

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Kopeitsev, V. , Romash, M. and Varaksin, A. (2011) Tornado-like non-stationary vortices: experimental modelling under laboratory conditions. Natural Science, 3, 907-913. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.311116.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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