Predictive formulas expressing relationship between dose rate and survival time in total body irradiation in mice
Sung Jang Chung
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2011.411088   PDF    HTML     4,252 Downloads   7,495 Views   Citations


The Gompertz model is the long-time well-known mathematical model of exponential expression among mortality models in the literature that are used to describe mortality and survival data of a population. The death rate of the “probacent” model developed by the author based on animal experiments, clinical applications and mathematical reasoning was applied to predict age-specific death rates in the US elderly population, 2001, and to express a relationship among dose rate, duration of exposure and mortality probability in total body irradiation in humans. The results of both studies revealed a remarkable agreement between “probacent”-formula-predicted and published-reported values of death rates in the US elderly population or mortality probabilities in total body irradiation in humans (p - value > 0.995 in χ² test in each study). In this study, both the Gompertz and “probacent” models are applied to the Sacher’s comprehensive experimental data on survival times of mice daily exposed to various doses of total body irradiation until death occurs with an assumption that each of both models is applicable to the data. The purpose of this study is to construct general formulas expressing relationship between dose rate and survival time in total body irradiation in mice. In addition, it is attempted to test which model better fits the reported data. The results of the comparative study revealed that the “probacent” model not only fit the Sacher’s reported data but also remarkably better fit the reported data than the Gompertz model. The “probacent” model might be hopefully helpful in research in human tolerance to low dose rates for long durations of exposure in total body irradiation, and further in research in a variety of biomedical phenomena.

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Chung, S. (2011) Predictive formulas expressing relationship between dose rate and survival time in total body irradiation in mice. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4, 707-718. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2011.411088.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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