Generated Sets of the Complete Semigroup Binary Relations Defined by Semilattices of the Class Σ8 (X, n + k + 1) ()
1. Introduction
Let X be an arbitrary nonempty set, D is an X-semilattice of unions which is closed with respect to the set-theoretic union of elements from D, f be an arbitrary mapping of the set X in the set D. To each mapping f we put into correspondence a binary relation
on the set X that satisfies the condition
. The set of all such
) is denoted by
. It is easy to prove that
is a semigroup with respect to the operation of multiplication of binary relations, which is called a complete semigroup of binary relations defined by an X-semilattice of unions D.
We denote by Æ an empty binary relation or an empty subset of the set X. The condition
will be written in the form
. Further, let
. We denote by the symbols
the following sets:
It is well known the following statements:
Theorem 1.1. Let
be some finite X-semilattice of unions and
be the family of sets of pairwise nonintersecting subsets of the set X (the set Æ can be repeated several times). If j is a mapping of the semilattice D on the family of sets
which satisfies the conditions
, then the following equalities are valid:
In the sequel these equalities will be called formal.
It is proved that if the elements of the semilattice D are represented in the form (1.1), then among the parameters
there exist such parameters that cannot be empty sets for D. Such sets
are called bases sources, where sets
, which can be empty sets too are called completeness sources.
It is proved that under the mapping j the number of covering elements of the pre-image of a
bases source is always equal to one, while under the mapping j the number of covering elements of the pre-image of a completeness source either does not exist or is always greater than one (see [1] [2] chapter 11).
Definition 1.1. We say that an element a of the semigroup
is external if
for all
(see [1] [2] Definition 1.15.1).
It is well known, that if B is all external elements of the semigroup
is any generated set for the
, then
(see [1] [2] Lemma 1.15.1).
Definition 1.2. The representation
of binary relation a is called quasinormal, if
for any
(see [1] [2] chapter 1.11).
Definition 1.3. Let
. Their product
is defined as follows:
if there exists an element
such that
(see [1] , chapter 1.3).
2. Result
be a class of all X-semilattices of unions whose every element is isomorphic to an X-semilattice of unions
, which satisfies the condition:
(see Figure 1).
It is easy to see that
is irreducible generating set of the semilattice D.
be a family of sets, where
are pairwise disjoint subsets of the set X and
is a map
ping of the semilattice D onto the family of sets
. Then the formal equalities of the semilattice D have a form:
Here the elements
are bases sources, the element
are sources of completeness of the semilattice D. Therefore
(by symbol
we denoted the power of a set X), since
(see [1] [2] chapter 11).
In this paper we are learning irreducible generating sets of the semigroup
defined by semilattices of the class
Note, that it is well known, when
, then generated sets of the complete semigroup of binary relations defined by semilattices of the class
In this paper we suppose, that
Remark, that in this case (i.e.
), from the formal equalities of a semilattice D follows, that the intersections of any two elements of a semilattice D is not empty.
Lemma 2.0 If
, then the following statements are true:
Proof. From the formal equalities of the semilattise D immediately follows the following statements:
The statements a), b) and c) of the lemma 2.0 are proved.
Lemma 2.0 is proved.
We denoted the following sets by symbols
Lemma 2.1. Let
. Then the following statements are true:
1) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
2) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
3) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
Proof. Let
for some
. If quasinormal representation of binary relation d has a form
. (2.1)
From the formal equalities (2.0) of the semilattice D we obtain that:
for any
by definition of a semilattice D from the class
Now, let
for some
, then from the equalities (2.3) follows that
since T and
are minimal elements of the semilattice D and
by preposition. The equality
contradicts the inequality
The statement a) of the Lemma 2.1 is proved.
Now, let
, for some
, then from the equalities 2.3 follows, that
, if
, or
, or
. For the
we consider the following cases:
1) If
, then we have
is a minimal element of a semilattice D. On the other hand,
But the equality
contradicts the inequality
. Thus we have, that
2) Let
, i.e.
, then we have, that
is a minimal element of a semilattice D. On the other hand:
The equality
contradicts the inequality
. Also, the equality
contradicts the inequality
for any
, by preposition) by definition of a semilattice D.
3) If
, i.e.
, then we have, that
is a minimal element of a semilattice D. On the other hand:
The equality
contradicts the inequality
. Also, the equality
, or
contradicts the inequality
for any
by definition of a semilattice D.
The statement 2) of the Lemma 2.1 is proved.
. If
, then from the formal equalities (2.0) of a semilattice D there exists such an element, that
, where
. So, from the equalities (2.3) follows that
. Of from this and from the equalities (2.3) we obtain that there exists such an element
, for which the equalities
, where
. But such elements by definition of a semilattice D do not exist.
The statement c) of the Lemma 2.1 is proved.
Lemma 2.1 is proved.
Lemma 2.2. Let
. Then the following statements are true:
1) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
2) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
3) Let
. If
, then a is external element of the semigroup
4) Let
, then a is external element of the semigroup
5) Let
. If
, or
then a is external element of the semigroup
6) Let
, then a is external element of the semigroup
7) Let
, then a is external element of the semigroup
Proof. Let a be any element of the semigroup
. It is easy that
. We consider the following cases:
, then
is subsemilattice of the semilattice D.
1) Let
, then
, or
, where
, since
is subsemilattice of the semilattice D.
, then by statement c) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
2) Let
, then
, or
, where
, since
is a subsemilattice of the semilattice D.
, then by statement a) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
3) Let
, then
, or
, since
is subsemilattice of the semilattice D.
, then by statement a) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
4) Let
, then by the statement a) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
5) Let
, then
, or
, or
, then by the statement 2) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
, or
, then from the statement 1) and 3) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
6) Let
. Then from the statement b) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
7) Let
, then by the statement a) of the Lemma 2.1 follows that a is external element of the semigroup
Lemma 2.2 is proved.
Now we learn the following subsemilattices of the semilattice D:
We denoted the following sets by symbols
By definition of a set
follows that any element of the set is external element of the semigroup
Lemma 2.3. Let
. If quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, then a is generated by elements of the elements of set
Proof. 1). Let quasinormal representation of binary relations d and b have a form
since the representation of a binary relation b is quasinormal and by statement 3) of the Lemma 2.1 binary relations d and b are external elements of the semigroup
. It is easy to see, that:
(see equality (2.0))
. Last equalities are possible since
, by preposition).
Lemma 2.3 is proved.
Lemma 2.4. Let
. If quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, where
, then binary relation a is generated by elements of the elements of set
Proof. Let quasinormal representation of the binary relations d and b have a form:
. Then from the statements a), b) and c) of the Lemma 2.1 follows, that d and b are generated by elements of the set
, since
. Last equalities are possible since
by preposition).
Lemma 2.4 is proved.
Lemma 2.5. Let
. If quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, where
, then binary relation a is generated by elements of the elements of set
Proof. Let quasinormal representation of a binary relations d, b have a form
. Then from the Lemma 2.2 follows that b is generated by elements of the set
, since
(see equality(2.0))
. Last equalities are possible since
by preposition).
Lemma 2.5 is proved.
Lemma 2.6. Let
. Then the following statements are true:
1) If quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, then binary relation a is generated by elements of the set
2) If quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, then binary relation a is generated by elements of the set
Proof. 1) Let
. If quasinormal representation of a binary relations d, b have a form
(see equalities (2.0) and (2.1)), then from the Lemma 2.4 follows that d is generated by elements of the set
and from the Lemma 2.3 element b is generated by elements of the set
, since
since representation of a binary relation d is quasinormal.
The statement a) of the lemma 2.6 is proved.
2) Let quasinormal representation of a binary relation d have a form
, then from the Lemma 2.4 follows that d is generated by elements of the set
, since
since representation of a binary relation d is quasinormal.
The statement b) of the lemma 2.6 is proved.
Lemma 2.6 is proved.
Lemma 2.7. Let
. Then the following statements are true:
a) If
, then binary relation
is generated by elements of the elements of set
b) If
, then binary relation
is external element for the semigroup
Proof. 1) If quasinormal representation of a binary relation d has a form
for all
, then
. Let quasinormal representation of a binary relations b have a form
, where f is any mapping of the set
in the set
. It is easy to see, that
and two elements of the set
belong to the semilattice
, i.e.
. In this case we have that
for all
since the representation of a binary relation d is quasinormal. Thus, the element a is generated by elements of the set
The statement a) of the lemma 2.7 is proved.
2) Let
, for some
for some
. Then we obtain that
since T is a minimal element of the semilattice D.
Now, let subquasinormal representations
of a binary relation b have a form
is normal mapping. But complement mapping
is empty, since
, i.e. in the given case, subquasinormal representation
of a binary relation b is defined uniquely. So, we have that
(see property 2) in the case 1.1), which contradict the condition, that
Therefore, if
, for some
, then a is external element of the semigroup
The statement 2) of the Lemma 2.7 is proved.
Lemma 2.7 is proved.
Theorem 2.1. Let
, and
Then the following statements are true:
1) If
, then the
is irreducible generating set for the semigroup
2) If
, then the
is irreducible generating set for the semigroup
Proof. Let
. First, we proved that every element of the semigroup
is generated by elements of the set
. Indeed, let a be an arbitrary element of the semigroup
. Then quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
. For the
we consider the following cases:
1) If
, then
by definition of a set
Now, let
2) If
, then quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, where
and from the Lemma 2.3 follows that a is generated by elements of the elements of set
by definition of a set
3) If
, then quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, where
and from the Lemma 2.4 follows that a is generated by elements of the elements of set
by definition of a set
4) If
, then quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, where
and from the Lemma 2.5 follows that a is generated by elements of the elements of set
by definition of a set
Now, let
, then quasinormal representation of a binary relation a has a form
, or
, where
5) If
, then from the statement b) of the Lemma 2.6 follows that binary relation a is generated by elements of the set
6) If
, where
, then from the statement a) of the Lemma 2.6 and 2.7 follows that binary relation a is generated by elements of the set
Thus, we have that
is a generating set for the semigroup
, then the set
is an irreducible generating set for the semigroup
is a set external elements of the semigroup
The statement a) of the Theorem 2.1 is proved.
Now, let
. First, we proved that every element of the semigroup
is generated by elements of the set
. The cases 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) are proved analogously of the cases 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5 given above and consider case, when
, where
, then from the statement a) of the Lemma 2.7 follows that binary relation a is generated by elements of the set
, where
, then from the statement b) of the Lemma 2.6 follows that binary relation
is external element for the semigroup
Thus, we have that
is a generating set for the semigroup
, then the set
is an irreducible generating set for the semigroup
is a set external elements of the semigroup
The statement b) of the Theorem 2.1 is proved.
Theorem 2.1 is proved.
Corollary 2.1. Let
Then the following statements are true:
1) If
, then
is the uniquely defined generating set for the semigroup
2) If
, then
is the uniquely defined generating set for the semigroup
Proof. It is well known, that if B is all external elements of the semigroup
is any generated set for the
, then
(see [1] [2] Lemma 1.15.1). From this follows that the sets
are defined uniquely, since they are sets external elements of the semigroup
Corollary 2.1 is proved.
It is well-known, that if B is all external elements of the semigroup
is any generated set for the
, then
(Definition 1.1).
In this article, we find irredusible generating set for the complete semigroups of binary relations defined by X-semilattices of unions of the class
. This generating set is uniquely defined, since they are defined by elements of the external elements of the semigroup