Exhaust emission characteristics of diesel and biodiesel
Yongmei Zhang, Hongjun You
DOI: 10.4236/abc.2011.13014   PDF    HTML     5,468 Downloads   10,679 Views   Citations


The performances of diesel contrasted with that of biodiesel, such as HC and CO and NOx and fume and particles discharge, are studied on. The contents of HC, CO, NOx and flue gas are measured by Japan 163 Gas Chromatograph, USA 48 CO Analyser, Japan MEXA-7200H and FBY-201 flue gas analyzer, respectively. The experimental results shows HC dis-charge of biodiesel B20 decreases with the increase of rate of revolution; NOx discharge of biodiesel B5 and biodiesel B20 increase with the increase of torque; NOx discharge increases with the increase of adding biodiesel at the same torque; Flue gas discharge of biodiesel B5 and biodiesel B20 firstly increase and then decrease with the increase of torque; Particle discharge decreases with the increase of the amount of biodiesel.

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Zhang, Y. and You, H. (2011) Exhaust emission characteristics of diesel and biodiesel. Advances in Biological Chemistry, 1, 119-121. doi: 10.4236/abc.2011.13014.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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