Existence and Uniqueness of Global Smooth Solutions for Vlasov Maxwell Equations ()
1. Introduction and Preliminaries
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Collisionless Plasma
Definition 1.1. A plasma is one of the four states of matter, which is a completely ionized gas.
For this work, we assume the following. The plasma is:
• at high temperature.
• at low density.
• collisions are unimportant (i.e. collisions between particles and external forces is negligible).
The plasma is at high temperature implies that
where N is the total number of charges per unit volume, and
is the mean distance between the particles.
Definition 1.2. We call the distance at which the coulomb field of a charge in the plasma is screened a Debye length denoted by a and is defined by:
But if we consider only one type of ion,
, then
. From
we have that
we can interpret this inequality as, the mean distance between particles is small with respect to the Debye length.
Generally speaking, a plasma is collision-less when the effective collision fre- quency
-that is the frequency of variation of E, B. In this case
1.1.2. The Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell System
It is a kinetic field model for a collision-less plasma, that is a gas of charged particles which is sufficiently hot and dilute in order to ignore collision effect. Hence the particles are supposed to interact only through electromagnetic forces. In this work let us assume that the plasma is composed of n different particles, (i.e., ions, electrons) with the corresponding masses
. According to statistical physics the set of the particles of this species is denoted by a distribution function
which is the probability density to find a particle at a time
, at a position x with momentum p. Here in the vlasov Maxwell system the motion of the particles is governed by Vlasov’s equation;
is the relativistic speed of a particle
, c is the speed of light and E and B are electric and magnetic fields respectively and p is momentum. Here
is the relativistic velocity
is the mass of the particle
From this we can observe that
(hence relativistic system).
The electric field
and the magnetic field
satisfies the fol- lowing Maxwell equations.
are the densities of charge and current respectively, and hence they can be computed by:
The coupled system of Equations (1.1), (1.2), (1.3) and (1.4) is what we call the Vlasov-Maxwell System which is represented as:
In this system the Vlasov equation governs the motion of the particles and the interaction of the particles are described by the Maxwell equations. So, the aim of this work is to derive a sufficient condition for the global existence of a smooth solution to the system 1.5 with initial data
, which are supposed to satisfy
In the entire work, we are going to use, the partial derivatives with respect to
will be denoted by
, while any derivative of order k with respect to t or x or p will be denoted by
that is
and so on with the convention
1.1.3. A Short Review on the Cauchy Problem for the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations
Now let us provide a short review on the Classical Cauchy problem on the Vlasov Maxwell System.
Robert T.Glassey and Walter A. Strauss [1] , under the title, “In singularity formulation in collision-less plasma could occur at high velocity”, they showed existence and uniqueness of a global smooth solutions in
by taking initial data
by assuming existence of a continuous function
such that
. Here our work has many similarities with their work, the only difference is taking
is from
. In another work Robert T. Glassey and Walter A. Strauss [2] , also showed uniqueness and existence of
solution by taking sufficiently small
initial data. The proof of this result is sketched in the following. Simone Calogero, [3] , investigated global existence for Vlasov-Maxwell equation by modifying the system in which the usual Maxwell systems are replaced by their retarded parts. Sergiu Klainerman and Gigliola Staffilani, [4] showed a new approach to study VM system , that is they showed global existence of unique solution in 3D, under the assumptions of compactly supported particle density by using Fourier transformation of the classical Glassey-Strauss result. Oliver Glass and Daniel Han-Kwan, [5] , explained that existence of classical solutions, from which characteristics are well defined in 2D by using the concept of geometric control condition and strip assumption. Gerhard Rein, [6] investigated the behaviour of classical solutions of the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system under small perturbations of the initial data. More recently, Jonathan Luk and Robert Strain 2014, [7] derive a new continuation criterion for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system. But the unconditional global existence in 3D remains an open problem.
Organization of the project: Now let us describe how this project is organized. In chapter one, we state some definitions and terms which are related to Vlasov Maxwell system and we try to show the solutions of inhomogeneous wave equations with initial conditions in
and Gronwall’s lemma is stated and proved. In chapter two, the main theorem is stated and we see representations of the fields and used boundedness to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution. To prove the theorem, we use an iterative scheme. We construct sequences, then using representations of the fields we showed that these sequences are bounded in
, and finally we try to show that the sequences are Cauchy sequences in
. In the last chapter, the main theorem is re-stated by changing the hypothesis (taking small initial data conditions) just to show the reader there is at least one case such that the sufficient condition in the main theorem of the latter chapter holds true. In this chapter, only the theorem is stated and the main steps to prove the theorem are described.
1.2. Preliminaries
1.2.1. Inhomogeneous Wave Equations
Theorem 1.3. Kirchhoff’s Formula [8] Suppose
, and
solves the initial value problem:
Kirchhoff’s states that an explicit formula for u in terms of g and h in three dimensions is:
is a sphere in
centered at x and radius
Consider the initial value problem for the non homogeneous wave equation
We define
to be the solution of
Now set
Duhamel’s principle asserts that this is a solution of
To find
explicitly let us consider the case
. For
, Kirchhoff’s formula implies,
so that
If the initial data is not zero
is the solution of the homogeneous equation
, which is in
1.2.2. Gronwall’s Inequality
In estimating some norm of a solution of a partial differential equation, we are often led to a differential inequality for the norm from which we want to deduce an inequality for the norm itself. Gronwall’s inequality allows one to do this. Roughly speaking, it states that a solution of a differential inequality is bounded by the solution of the corresponding differential equality. There are both linear and non linear versions of Gronwalls’s inequality. We state here only the simplest version of the linear inequality that we are going to use.
Lemma 1.4. Gronwall’s lemma [9]
is continuous and bounded above on each closed interval
and satisfies
for increasing function
and positive (integrable) function
In particular if
, then
Proof: Consider the function
differentiating both sides with respect to t and applying 1.4, we have:
Integrating both sides and using the increasing property of the functions gives
then using 1.9, and the above bound, we have
Lemma 1.5 Partial Integration in
. [8]
When the function
are given, we have
Proof: On account of the property
, we find a radius
such that
is true for all
for at least one index
. Hence the fundamental theorem of differential and integral calculus yields:
. Therefore,
hence the result.
Lemma 1.6, Let
be a continuous function of t and
, then
is bounded provided that either
is sufficiently small.
2. Existence and Uniqueness of Global Smooth Solutions for Vlasov Maxwell Equations
In this chapter, we are going to establish the existence and uniqueness of global smooth solutions for the system in 1.5 under a sufficient condition. To derive the sufficient condition, we shall consider the case of only one species of particles, then at the end we extend the result to the case of a plasma composed of many species. Let us set
and dropping the π factor, the system in 1.5 reduces to:
The term
can be represented by
.That is
which we call Lorentz force.
Theorem 2.1. [6] Let
be the initial data which satisfy 2.1 above. Assume there exists a continuous function
such that for all
Then there exists a unique
solution for all t.
To prove this theorem, we are going to use the concept of representation of the fields and their derivatives. The characteristics equations of the system 1.1 are the solutions of:
Hence the solution of this system is:
such that at
. Therefore
f remains bounded.
For the next two sections, the reader can consult the material [10] for more details.
2.1. Representation of Electric and Magnetic Fields
Theorem 2.2. Assume that the function
is as in Theorem 2.1 above. Let
Then for
are represented by:
Just replacing
, in each expression above by
, we can represent
in a similar way.
Using chain rule
Hence, let us denote this by
. That is
is the tangential derivative along the surface of a backward cha- racteristic cone.
Now let us replace the usual operators
. From
For relativistic Vlasov Maxwell system, the fields satisfy the inhomogeneous wave equation:
But from
we have
Using 2.3 above
Hence, substituting 2.5 in to 2.4, we have
By applying Equation (1.8) in chapter one, we have
This implies,
is the solution of the homogeneous wave equation.
From this we can easily see that the second term is
. Let
Hence, we can re-write the last integral as:
Now let us integrate the last term using integration by parts in y. Hence, by applying lemma 1.5 in chapter one (integration by parts), this expression reduces to;
is part of
, hence the above integral reduces to:
see the computation of this expression at the appendix part of [7] . Hence, 2.8 becomes:
Therefore, substituting 2.10 and
term in to 2.7,
Similarly, by using the inhomogeneous wave equation for the field B, we have
and following the same step, we have
This proves theorem 2.2, Proof of uniqueness of Theorem 2.1.
To do this, let
be two different Classical solutions of 2.1 with the same Cauchy data given. Define
From the Vlasov Equation,
we have
Using theorem 2.2 above, we get
Here, in the
term using the fact that
is a pure p divergent, we have integrated by parts in p. Similarly we can represent the field B as
Since, f has a compact support in p, the expression
is bounded away from zero. Now since the fields are bounded (from hypothesis), adding Equations (2.11) and (2.12), estimating using the support property, for
and using Equation (1.8), in chapter one, we have
represents the maximum norm.
bounded implies that
Again from
the characteristics of this equation are the solutions of:
Thus, from
when f is written as a line integral over such a characteristics curve, we have
is bounded , we can write it as:
Now adding 2.13 and 2.14, we have
Applying Gronwall lemma, we have
. This implies the solution is unique. This proves the uniqueness of theorem 2.1.
2.2. Representations of Derivatives of Electric and Magnetic Fields
Theorem 2.3. Assume that
exists as in the hypothesis of theorem 2.1. Then the derivatives of the fields can be represented as:
Note that
without explicit arguments are evaluated at
. Except at
, the functions
. Moreover
In a similar way, we can represent
in to the field representation in theorem 2.2, we have
Now using the fact that
is a perfect
derivative, integrating the last integral using integration by parts in y, is equal to:
Here the last expression is part of
. Hence
is the term multi- plying
, and
is the term multiplying
, which we can see it
easily. Now let us determine
. Here, the most singular term is the
term, which appears in the first expression, it is:
Simplifying this we get:
since the first term depends only on initial data, hence part of
. Now the second term simplifies as:
is known. Now from the last term of
(see an elementary computation of this in the appendix part of [1] ). Hence, this expression is the value of
. To show
Now first compute the third term, we have:
Now the integrand in the first term simplifies as:
Now the second integral becomes:
Adding the Equations (2.15), (2.16) and (2.17), we get
We can have the same result for the magnetic field see [1] , in this case the singular term is
. This completes the proof of 2.3.
2.3. Estimation of the Particle Density
To estimate the particle density take
. The characteristics of the Vlasov equation are solutions of the
and since
, also
, that is f is non-negative and bounded.
Now, we claim that
. From the ODE above,
, provided that
Now let us estimate the derivatives of the particle density. Let
, for
any j. Then we have;
, we get
Integrating both sides we have
Now let us define the following norms [1] .
A similar definition can be done for the electric field E.
Now by applying the norm properties above, the expression in 2.3 can be reduced to
Again by taking
, we can have a similar bound, since
Therefore, again by applying the norm properties above we have,
2.4. Bounds on the Electric and Magnetic Fields
We already proved in theorem 2.2 that the fields can be represented as:
By our hypothesis we have
, say on support of f for
. Now
We have that
Similarly, for
, we use
. Then integrating this by parts in p, we get:
By the support hypothesis, the v-gradient factor is bounded (say by
). Hence,
A similar estimate holds for B, See ( [1] ). Hence
Adding Equations (2.24) and (2.25), we have:
Applying Gronwall’s lemma, we obtain
2.5. Bounds on the Gradient of the Field
Theorem 2.4. [1] Let
Proof: We can express
in the form of theorem 2.3 above as:
Here the first term(data term) which is
is bounded in
since it is just depends on the derivative of the initial data. For the second term,
, a direct bound would leave a singularity
which is logarithmically diver- gent. Thus we must use the fact that the kernel has zero average.
For simplicity write
From this the most singular term is the
term. Hence
is integrated over the unit sphere
and p is over
. We break the
integral into two integrals, over
and over
. Since the support of f is bounded in p, the kernel
is bounded for
. Hence, for any
Now the integral over
is equal to,
Hence, from expressions 2.28 and 2.29, we have:
Now take
, we get
For the
term, let us integrate by parts in p:
That is
For the
term, we write
But we have;
which is bounded and the y-integrals are over the ball
. Now
This implies
and III satisfy the same bound as II. Now again split
in IV. That is:
, integrating by parts in p, and the resulting kernel is bounded for v and
, hence we have;
, we recall in Section 2.1,
is a perfect y derivative, hence we can integrate by part in y. Since
, the resulting kernel in
is bounded by
. Therefore
Combining these results, we get:
Now adding 2.30, 2.31 and 2.37, we get:
To get the same result for B, we repeat the same process, (see [7] ), and get:
Now applying Gronwall’s lemma, we have
This proves theorem 2.5.
Here putting 2.21 into this expression, we get:
Now let
, then
This indicates that
is bounded, and hence
is also bounded. Using this estimates, we will proof the existence of the solutions for theorem 2.1.
2.6. Existence of Solutions
From the hypothesis we have smooth initial data
. Now take
. Now we recursively define the solutions
as follows.
Given that
iteration, we define
as the solution of
which is a linear equation (for a single unknown) of the form
and with initial condition
, where c and
functions. Since
is also a
The characteristics of 2.38 are the solutions of:
is constant along the characteristics, hence
has a compact support in p, therefore
Now given
, hence
, we define
as solu- tions of the system
with initial data
Lemma 2.5. [10] . Given that
is a
solution of 2.38, and
are solutions of 2.40, then
Proof: From 2.40, since
are in
, hence the solutions given in 2.7 are
. Now let us proceed by induction on n to show the solutions are
. From the representation theorem 2.2,
is the solution of the homogeneous wave equation with the same Cauchy data, and
from 1.8. From
Substituting this in to
, we can integrate by parts in p. From the induction hypothesis
, hence
. Similarly
is a
function. This proves lemma 2.5.
Now let us claim that the estimates 2.21 and 2.26 holds uniformly in n for
. To show this we follow the same process as we did for
, the only difference is replacing with the superscripts
. Thus,
and, the expression analogous to 2.21 is;
and the analogue of 2.26 is;
with constants C depending on T. Now iterating 2.43, we have
This tells us that the fields
are point wise bounded uniformly in n. Now by applying Gronwall’s lemma for 2.42, we get:
Now an analogue of the result of theorem 2.5 is:
Substituting 2.45 in to 2.46, we conclude that;
, iterating 2.47 as 2.44 above, we get uniform bound for
And from 2.43, we have a uniform bound for
for all n and
From this estimates, and compactness property, now it is easy to pass to the limit. But to get an optimal result, let us show that the sequences are Cauchy sequences in the
In the rest of this proof, to show the sequences are Cauchy, we used the materials ( [2] [6] ).
To show the sequences are Cauchy, let us fix two indices m and n. For j = 0, 1, let
In the same way as derivations of 2.13 for
, we have
And the term analogous to 2.14 is;
using the bounds already known, with C depending on T and
. Now substituting 2.50 to 2.49, we obtain
Now iterating 2.51, we have;
are Cauchy sequences in the
norm, and from 2.50
is a Cauchy sequence in
norm. Hence they converge uniformly in
Now let us claim that
are Cauchy in
To prove this, let us split
as in such a way given in theorem 2.5, and then subtract this expressions. We can write the TT term as written in 2.28-2.30 and then estimate it, we have;
Similarly TS and ST terms are written as in 2.31 and then estimated as:
For the SS term, let us break up in to several pieces as in 2.33. Following the same procedure and using the known bound in
, we conclude that
Let us now estimate
. To do this recall the characteristics equations
is evaluated at time s.
be the solutions of 2.53 with the initial values
respectively. From
we have
because the derivative of the real function
is bounded by unity. From
, we have:
this is because each
has uniformly bounded
Now by the known bounds, we have
say, where
uniformly on
. Therefore,
Hence by Gronwall’s lemma, the sequences
converges uniformly on
. Here, on the parameter
, the convergence is also uniform,
. To estimate
, let us differentiate 2.38 with respect to x, hence the result is;
After integrating this along the characteristics, we have
Subtracting the second from the first and estimating, we get:
The first term goes to zero as
, from the hypothesis on
. Hence, we can re-write the expression as:
From 2.55 and the known bound in
, the first term goes to zero uniformly on
. The second term in the integrand is dominated by
, and similarly the last term in the integrand is dominated by
. As we did in 2.21, the p-derivative of the difference can be estimated in terms of the x- derivatives. Hence
converges to zero uniformly on
. Define,
then using 2.56 we get,
Substituting this in to 2.56 we get,
where C depends on T, and
uniformly on
, as
. Now substituting 2.57 in to 2.6, we get the inequality
with a different constant c, which depends on T, here
tends to zero uni- formly on
. Iterating 2.58 we get:
If u is an upper bound for the
norm, of the field, we thus have
, from 2.57 are Cauchy sequences in the
norm. Hence
converges uniformly for
together with all their first derivatives in
, since
is complete. Hence, let
be the limits of
respectively. Therefore
will be the unique solution of the system 2.1 for the simplified case of a single species.
To generalize for n species, we need just a little modification. The operator S now depends on
In this case each
remains bounded. In the representations of the fields and their derivatives,
are written as
is the charge of particles of species
. Again
are estimated for each
separately. Hence, with these simple modifications, we conclude for several species case.
3. Uniqueness and Existence with Small Initial Data
In the previous chapter, we have seen that the sufficient condition for the existence of a global
solution for the relativistic Vlasov Maxwell’s equations was the existence of a continuous function
such that any solution
(or any iterative approximation
) vanishes for
. In this chapter, we verify this sufficient condition under a smallness assumption on the data, which we will see in the theorem below.
Theorem 3.1. [2] For every positive
, there exists a constant
with the following property. Let
be a non-negative
function with supports in
and let
be in
with supports in
which satisfy the constraints,
If the data satisfy
, then, (3.2)
there exists a unique solution
of 1.5 for all
and all times
, with
having initial data
such that
, there exists
such that if 3.1 holds, then
To prove this theorem, the key step is to show that the paths of the particles spread out with time. Since the paths of the particles are given by the equations
the particles would move approximately in straight lines if E and B are small. Thus we need to prove that the electromagnetic field decays as
. Hence, to prove this theorem, let us introduce a weighted
norm for the field, as was introduced by [11] . Therefore, we use the weight
3.1. The Structure of the Proof
The main structure of the proof is as established in the last chapter. To prove uniqueness, we use the same step as we did in chapter two, and for the existence, the following construction was used. For given functions
, we define
inductively as follows. That is given the
iteration, then we define
as the solution of the linear equation
And with
By setting
, we define
Finally we define
as the solutions of the Maxwell’s equations,
with data
Hence, from 2.1, we deduce that if there exists
, independent of
, such that
converges to a
of the system 2.1. So to prove theorem 3.1, it is enough to show 3.8 under a smallness condition.
. Define the norms
and let
, we define the characteristics as the solutions
of 3.5, that is
such that the initial conditions are
Now if we define
is the solution of the Vlasov equation,
with initial condition
Now let
be the solution of the Maxwell’s equations
with initial conditions
. Therefore, the itera- tion process may be summarized as
. Hence, we begin the process by defining
(that is
3.2. Characteristics
Here the characteristics are curves defined by the solutions of the equations 3.9 and 3.10. Because E and B are
, the solutions exist as
functions of
for some time
. Hence, since the characteristics exist, we define
“which is the largest momentum up to time t emanating from the support of
” [2] . Hence,
is a continuous function of t for
Now let us drop the dependence on the species through the parameter
. Therefore, by the definitions above, we have
Now by setting
, Equations (3.12) and (3.13) give
. Similarly by uniqueness, we have
Now since, f is constant on the characteristics, we have
This explains the extent of the p-support of f and the definition of
Lemma 3.2. [2] Let
, then
Proof: Given that for
, implies
. Let
Hence from the support property of f,
. Now from the definition of
and from Equation (3.14),
. This implies
where, assuming
. But
Now substituting this in to the expression 3.16, we have
That is
. This proves the lemma.
Lemma 3.3. [8] If
is sufficiently small, say
, then the characteristics
exist for all s (
is infinite) and
is bounded, say
, where
depend only on
. Therefore, if
for some
, then
Proof: For
, we have
Now if
is sufficiently small, by lemma (1.6) in chapter one,
is a bounded function of t.
Now if
for some
, then
provided that
. Hence, by definition of
, we have
. This proves the lemma.
Theorem 3.4. [10] If
is small enough, then there exists
depending only on
such that
for all
Proof: From lemma 3.3 above, if
, for some
, then we deduced that
, where
is depending only on
. This implies,
. This proves the theorem.
Theorem 3.5. If
is small enough, then
Proof: See [10] .
Proof of Theorem 3.1. Define the sequences
as above. Since
, by theorem 3.5 above,
for all n. Now by theorem 3.4 above,
. Therefore from the result of chapter 3,
and their first derivatives converge point wise to f and F. This implies
. Therefore 3.4 is true.
is the solution of the RVM equations. This proves the theorem.
Therefore, under a smallness condition we achieved the same result as of the sufficient condition that we used in chapter two to get a smooth global
solution. We thus conclude that the sufficient condition that we used in theorem 2.1 holds true under a small initial data.
3.3. Conclusions
In this project, we have seen that if
are initial data to the Vlasov-Maxwell equations and if there exists a continuous function
, such that
, then there exists a unique
for all t to the VMEs. And we also seen in chapter three that, the same result that we obtained in chapter two could be achieved if the sufficient condition is replaced by small initial data for the system and we proved that the sufficient condition is true.
The result that we obtained is for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system. But in the small data case, the same technique that we used, provide the result for the
non relativistic VMEs except, we replace
. In chapter two in the
decompositions of the field, it was necessary that the term
could be bounded away from zero, in the non-relativistic case the corresponding expression is
, hence, singularities may occur in a larger set of momentum. Therefore, smooth global existence in the non-relativistic case seems problematic.
Future Work
In this paper, existence and uniqueness of global smooth solutions for Vlasov- Maxwell equations by taking initial data
is shown. In the future, the same problem will be solved by taking initial data
After an intensive period of time, today is the day writing this note of thanks is the finishing touch on my article. It has been a period of intense learning for me. Writing this article has had a big impact on me. I would like to reflect on the institution and the people who have supported and helped me so much throughout this period. I would first like to thank Jimma University for faci- litating materials such as printing papers and internet, Next to this I would like to give grate appreciation to my colleagues (Jimma University mathematics department stuff members) for their wonderful collaboration. You supported me greatly and were always willing to help.