Factorial Validation of Warr’s (1990) Well-Being Measure: A Sample Study on Police Officers
Sónia P. Gonçalves, José Neves
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.27108   PDF    HTML     8,033 Downloads   13,704 Views   Citations


The purpose of this study was to test the factorial validity of the job-related affective well-being scale—the IWP Multi-Affect Indicator. The sample was composed of 1466 police officers and collected through self-report questionnaires. With the objective of validating the factorial structure of the IWP Multi-Affect Indicator, several models were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The results supported a four-factor structure: anxiety, comfort, depression and enthusiasm, as well as a five-factor structure including the same four factors plus a second-order factor called global affective well-being.

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Gonçalves, S. and Neves, J. (2011) Factorial Validation of Warr’s (1990) Well-Being Measure: A Sample Study on Police Officers. Psychology, 2, 706-712. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.27108.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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