1. Introduction
Integrals on time scales were considered, for example, by Liu and Zhao [1] , Mozyrska et al. [2] and by Peterson and Thompson [3] . Liu and Zhao [1] studied the McShane integral on time scales. On the other hand, Mozyrska et al. [2] studied the Riemann-Stieltjes integral on time scales. In turn, Peterson and Thompson [3] studied the Henstock-Kurzweil integral on time scales. Here we establish an extension of the Aumann integral. Thus, using the Lebesgue D-integral on time scales, see for example Guseinov [4] , we define the Aumann D-integral on time scales. To the best of our knowledge, the Aumann integral on time scales has not yet been considered in the literature. We get some basic properties for the Aumann D-integral on time scales in consonance with the basic properties of the Aumann integral considered by Aumann [5] . Furthermore, we established a formula that relates the Aumann D-integral on time scales and the Aumann integral, in analogy to the formula obtained by Cabada and Vivero [6] that relates the Lebesgue D-integral on time scales and the Lebesgue integral.
2. Preliminaries
In this section we consider concepts and results necessary for the study of the Aumann D-integral on time scales.
2.1. Time Scales
A time scale is a nonempty closed subset
of the real numbers. Here we use an arbitrary bounded time scale
are such that
Define the forward jump operator
Here we assume that
Lemma 1 [6] There exist
such that
stands for right scattered points of the time scale
2.2. Lebesgue Integration on Time Scales
The definition of D-mensurable sets of
, was considered, for example, by Guseinov [4] .
We denote the family of D-mensurable sets of
by D. We remember that D is a s-algebra of subsets of the time scale
It is said that a function
is D-measurable if for each
the set
is D-measurable. The vector valued function
is D-measurable if each component
is D-measurable.
Consider a function
and a set
. We indicate by
the Lebesgue D-integral of f over E. If
is a D-measurable function and
is integrable over E if each component
is integrable over E. In this case
We denote by
the set of functions
D-integrable over E.
Cabada and Vivero [6] and Santos and Silva [7] consider a more complete approach to Lebesgue integration theory on time scales.
Given a function
, define
, define
It follows from Cabada and Vivero [6] the next two results.
Proposition 1 Take a function
. Then
is D-measurable if and only if
is Lebesgue measurable.
Theorem 1 Let
be such that
. Then
if and only if
. In this case
2.3. Measurable Multifunctions
be a measurable space. A multifunction is a set-valued function
that takes points
into subsets
. We say that the multifunction
-measurable if the set
-measurable for all compact sets
A function
is a selection of the multifunction
for each
A multifunction
is said to be closed, compact, convex or nonempty when
satisfies the required property, for each point
We will use the following result due to Castaing and Valadier [8] .
Theorem 2 Let
be a measurable space and
a nonempty closed multifunction. If
-measurable then
admits a measurable selection.
3. Aumann D-Integral on Time Scales
, we denote the set
Consider a nonempty multifunction
. Let
be the set of all functions
such that f is D-integrable over
for all
. We define the Aumann D-integral of F over
We note that the Aumann D-integral of F over
coincides with the usual Aumann integral when
. Hence the Aumann D-integral on time scales is a generalization of the usual Aumann integral.
From definition, if
is given by
, then
. On the other hand, if
is defined by
for every
, then
Below we establish properties for the Aumann D-integral on time scales.
Theorem 3 If
is a convex nonempty multifunction, then
is convex.
Proof. Let
. If
it follows that
. Hence,
and thus
is convex.
We say that the multifunction
is D-integrably bounded if there is a function
D-integrable over
such that
for all y and t such that
Theorem 4 Let
be a nonempty closed, D-integrably bounded
and D-measurable multifunction. Then
is nonempty.
Proof. From Theorem 2 the multifunction F admits a D-measurable selection f. Since F is D-integrably bounded, it follows that f is D-integrable over
and then
is nonempty.
Given a multifunction
, we define the multifunction
Theorem 5 Let
be a nonempty compact and convex multifunction. Then
Proof. Let
be a selection of F. Suppose that f is D-integrable over
. Hence the function
is a selection of
. Furthermore, it follows from Theorem 1 that
and therefore
Consider a selection
. Suppose that g is Lebesgue integrable over
. We have
Since F is a compact and convex multifunction, for each
there exists
such that
Define the function
and thus
Hence the proof is complete.
Theorem 6 Let
be a nonempty compact, convex and D-integrably bounded multifunction. Then
is a compact set.
Proof. We know by Aumann [5] that the set
is compact. From Theorem 5 we may conclude that the set
is compact.
4. Conclusion
By introducing the Aumann D-integral on time scales, the paper contributes to the theory of time scales, more specifically, for the integration on time scales. The Aumann integral on time scales is added to other extensions of integrals for the theory of time scales, namely, the McShane integral on time scales, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral on time scales and the Henstock-Kurzweil integral on time scales, among others. The paper also established properties for the Aumann D-integral on time scales. Moreover, a formula is also established that relates the Aumann D-integral on time scales and the Aumann integral. However, such a formula is restricted to multifunctions
. Thus, future work might consider possibilities under which this formula remains valid for multifunctions