Random Attractors for the Kirchhoff-Type Suspension Bridge Equations with Strong Damping and White Noises ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, we consider the following stochastic Kirchhoff-type suspension bridge equations
is an unknown function,which represents the downward deflection of the road bed in the vertical plane,
denotes the spring constant of the ties, the real constant p represents the axial force acting at the end of the road bed of the bridge in the reference configuration. Namely, p is negative when the bridge is stretched, positive when compressed.
is an open bounded subset of
with sufficiently smooth boundary
is not identically equal to zero,
is a nonlinear function satisfying certain conditions.
is the derivative of a one-dimensional two-valued Wiener process
formally describes white noise.
We assume that the nonlinear function
, which satisfies the following assumptions:
(a) Growth conditions:
is a positive constant. For example, obviously,
satisfies (1.2).
(b) Dissipation conditions:
are positive constants.
, Equation (1.1) is regarded as a model of naval structures,which is originally in [1] introduced by Lazer and McKenna. To the best of our knowledge, Qin [2] [3] proved random attractor for stochastic Kirchhoff equation with white noise, Ma [4] investigated the asymptotic behavior of the solution for the floating beam, that is, the “noise” is absent in (1.1). No one else has studied the long-time behavior of the solutions about these problems, it is just our interest in this paper. As far as the other related problems are concerned, we refer the reader to [2] - [7] and the references therein.
It is well known that Crauel and Flandoli originally introduced the random attractor for the infinite-dimensional RDS [8] [9] . A random attractor of RDS is a measurable and compact invariant random set attracting all orbits. It is the appropriate generalization of the now classical attractor exists, it is the smallest attracting compact set and the largest invariant set [10] . Zhou et al. [11] studied random attractor for damped nonlinear wave equation with white noise. Fan [12] proved random attractor for a damped stochastic wave equation with multiplicative noise. These abstract results have been successfully applied to many stochastic dissipative partial differential equations. The existence of a random attractors for the wave equations has been investigated by several authors [8] [9] [10] .
The outline of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, we recall many basic concepts related to a random attractor for genneral random dynamical system. In Section 3, We prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution corresponding to system (1.1) which determines RDS. In Section 4, we prove the existence of random attractor of the random dynamical system.
2. Random Dynamical System
In this section, we recall some basic concepts related to RDS and a random attractor for RDS in [8] [9] [10] , which are important for getting our main results.
be a separable Hilbert space with Borel s-algebra
, and let
be a probability space.
is a family of measure preserving transformations such that
is measurable,
for all
. The flow
together with the probability space
is called a metric dynamical system.
Definition 2.1. Let
be a metric dynamical system. Suppose that the mapping
-measurable and satisfies the following properties:
, for all
is called a random dynamical system (RDS). Moreover,
is called a continuous RDS if
is continuous with respect to x for
Definition 2.2. A set-valued map
is said to be a closed (compact)random set if
is closed (compact) for
, and
measurable for all
Definition 2.3. If K and B are random sets such that for
there exists a time
such that for all
then K is said to absorb B, and
is called the absorption time.
Definition 2.4. A random set
is called a random attractor associated to the RDS
is a random compact set, i.e.,
is compact for
, and the map
is measurable for every
-invariant, i.e.,
for all
attracts every set B in X, i.e., for all bounded (and non-random)
denotes the Hausdorff semi-distance:
Note that
can be interpreted as the position of the trajectory which was in x at time
. Thus, the attraction property holds from
Theorem 2.1. [8] (Existence of a random attractor) Let
be a continuous random dynamical system on X over
. Suppose that there exists a random compact set
absorbing every bounded non-random set
. Then the set
is a global random attractor for
, where the union is taken over all bounded
, and
is the w-limitsset of B given by
3. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
With the usual notation, we denote
. We denote
with the following inner products and norms,respectively:
And we introduce the space
, which is used throughout the paper and endow the space E with the following usual scalar product and norm:
where T denotes the transposition.
More generally, define
, which turns out to be a Hilbert space with the inner product
, we denote by
the norm on
induced by the above inner product. Let
be the first eigenvalue of
, by the compact embeddings
along with the generalized Poincaré inequality, we have
It is convenient to reduce (1.1) to an evolution of the first order in time
whose equivalent Itó equation is
is a one-dimensional two-sided real-valued Wiener process on
. Without loss of generality,we can assume that
where P is a Wiener measure. We can define a family of measure preserving and ergodic transformations
, we consider the random partial differential equation equivalent to (3.3)
Apparently, there is no stochastic differential in (3.4) by comparing with stochastic differential Equation (3.3). Let
then (3.4) can be written as
From [13] we know that L is the infinitesimal generators of
on E. It is not difficult to check that the functions
is locally Lipschitz continuous with respect to
and bounded for every
. By the classical semigroup theory of existence and uniqueness of solutions of evolution differential equations [13] , so we have the following theorem:
Theorem 3.1. Consider (3.5). For each
and initial value
, there exists a unique function
such that satisfies the integral equation
By theorem 3.1, we can prove that for
the following statements hold for all
1) If
, then
is continuous in t and
3) The solution mapping of (3.5) satisfies the properties of RDS.
Equation (3.5) has a unique solution for every
. Hence the solution mapping
generates a random dynamical system, so the transformation
also determines a random dynamical system corresponding to Equation (3.2).
4. Existence of a Random Attractor
In this section,we prove the existence of a random attractor for RDS (3.7) in E. Let
, where
So Equation (3.4) can be written as
The mapping
is defined by (4.2).
To show the conjugation of the solution of the stochastic partial differential Equation (1) and the random partial differential Equation (4.2), we introduce the homeomorphism
with the inverse homeomorphism
. Then the transformation
also determines RDS corresponding to Equation (1). Therefore, for RDS (7) we only need consider the equivalent random dynamical system
, where
is decided by
Next, we prove a positivity property of the operator Q in E that plays a vital role throughout the paper.
Lemma 4.1. For any
, there holds
Proof. Since
, by using the Poincaré inequality and the Young inequality, we conclude that
. ,
Lemma 4.2. Let (1.2)-(1.4) hold, there exist a random variable
, and a bounded ball
centered at 0 with random radius
such that for any bounded non-random set
, there exists a deterministic
such that the solution
of (4.2) with initial value
satisfies for
and for all
, and
is given by
Besides it is easy to deduce a similar absorption result for
instead of
Proof. We take the inner product in E of (4.2) with
, where
, we get
We deal with the terms in (4.7) one by one as follows:
By using (1.2)-(1.3) and the Hölder inequality, we get
Inequality (4.12) together with (1.4) yields
Collecting with (4.6)-(4.15) and Lemma 4.1, we get that
, and
By the Gronwall lemma, we conclude that
are finite
, we get a bounded set B of E, we choose
such that
for all
, and
for all
, and for all
. ,
be a solution of problem (1.1) with initial value
. we make the decomposition
, where
Lemma 4.3. Let
be a bounded non-random subset of
satisfies (4.19),
Proof. Let
, taking the scalar product in H of (4.19), we get that
using the Hölder inequality and the Young inequality, we get that
we have that
, we can get that
and for
we get
By the Gronwall lemma, getting that (4.21). ,
Lemma 4.4. Assume that (1.2) holds, there exists a random radius
, such that for
satisfies (4.20).
Proof. Let
, Equation (4.20) can be written to
Taking the scalar product in
of (4.25) with
, we get that
Due to Lemma 4.1, we get that
Using the Young inequality, we have that
By (1.2), (4.5) and Sobolev embedding theorem, we obtain that
is uniformly bounded in
, that is, there exists a constant
such that
Combining with (4.33), the Sobolev embedding theorem and the Young inequality, we have that
is a positive constant.
, by the Poincaré and
, we get
. Using (4.27)-(4.35) and (4.5), for
, from (4.27) we get that
Using the Gronwall lemma, we get that
is finite P-a.s., together with 4.18 and 4.36, we get that
This completes the proof of Lemma 4.4. ,
Theorem 4.5. Let
, (1.2)-(1.4) hold,
, then the
random dynamical system
possesses a nonempty compact random attractor
Proof. Let
be the ball of
of radius
, by the compact embedding
, it follows that
compact in E. for every bounded non-random set B of E and any
, by Lemma 4.4, we know that
. Therefore, for
So, for all
From relation (4.3) between
, w can obtain that for any non-random bounded
Hence, the RDS
associated with (3.7) possesses a uniformly attracting compact set
. Using Theorem 2.1, we complete the proof.
This work is supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of People’s Republic of China under Grant 11561076.