Urban Violence in Northern Border of Mexico: A Study from Nuevo León State
Arun kumar Acharya
DOI: 10.4236/sm.2011.14023   PDF    HTML     5,729 Downloads   10,084 Views   Citations


Urban violence has reached record level in many nations, and having devastating impact on people’s health and livelihood as well as economic prospects. Today, for millions of people around the world, violence, or the fear of violence, is a daily reality. In Mexico since the year 2006 the northern border states are become more violent due to fight against the drug trafficking. In this study, we have taken Nuevo León state as area of study, and we have seen from the result; that urban violence in Nuevo León has increased in an unprecedented manner during last few years. Much of this urban violence is a consequence of rural-to-urban migration and exponential urbanization. We have also seen in the study that urban violence is a multi-factorial phenomena and main reason behind this is inequality among city dwellers. This is a potential source of frustration which increasing risk of urban violence, especially if certain groups are underprivileged and suffers from social exclusion.

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Acharya, A. (2011). Urban Violence in Northern Border of Mexico: A Study from Nuevo León State. Sociology Mind, 1, 177-182. doi: 10.4236/sm.2011.14023.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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