1. Introduction
Previous investigations on rank, suborbits and subdegrees have taken into account the symmetric group Sn acting on various subsets of
. The rank and subdegrees of Sn on 2-element subsets were shown to be 3 and 1, 2,
respectively [1] . The study was generalized to the action of Sn on X(r), unordered r-element subsets of
where it was established that the rank is r + 1 if n ≥ 2r, and the sudegrees are; 1,
It was also proved that the suborbits of Sn acting on X(r) are self-paired [2] . Similarly, the action of Sn on ordered r-element subsets of
was discussed. The action was shown to be transitive, the rank of Sn on X[3] as 34 for n ≥ 6, and the rank of Sn on X[2] as 7 for n ≥ 4. Properties of suborbital graphs were also examined in this action [3] . The action of the dihedral group Dn on X(r) has also been considered where the action was proved transitive for values of r = 1 and r = n − 1 [4] .
The study of suborbits of the dihedral group acting on ordered subsets has revealed some interesting properties which translate to properties of associated suborbital graphs. This has seen a clear connection between Group Theory and Graph Theory, which has realized the artistic value in Mathematics. Section 2 outlines some of the notations and preliminary definitions which have been used in the investigations. Section 3 discusses the rank, subdegrees and suborbits of Dn on X[r]. Some properties of suborbits have also been discussed in this Section. Section 4 has seen the application of properties of suborbits in construction of associated suborbital graphs. Section 5 examines suborbits of Dn on its ordered adjacent vertices.
The dihedral group Dn consists of all the symmetries of a regular n-sided polygon. The group is of order 2n, constituted by n rotations and n reflections.
2. Notations and Preliminary Definitions
Notation 2.1
Throughout this paper, G is the dihedral group Dn, X[r] is the set of all ordered r-element subsets of
, and n P r is n permutation r.
Definition 2.2 (Group action) [5]
Let X be a non-empty set. The group action of G on X is a relation on the pair (G, X) such that gx is a unique image of every x in X under g in G. The relation satisfies the algebraic laws of identity and associativity. Namely,
・ Ix = x, for all
, where
, for all g1, g2 in G and x in X
Definition 2.3 (Orbit of an element) (see [5] : p. 31)
A group action partitions the set into disjoint equivalence classes known as G-orbits. The orbit of each x in X is the subset of X,
, which contains all the images of x under every g in G. The group G is transitive if given any pair of elements xi, xj in X, there exists g in G such that gxi = xj. Thus G is transitive if and only if there is exactly one orbit.
Definition 2.4 (Stabilizer of x, Gx)
Let G be a group acting transitively on a set X. The stabilizer of x in X is the set of all elements g in G such that gx = x. The set is denoted by
. The Gx-orbits on X,
are known as suborbits of G. The rank of G is m and the cardinalities,
, are the subdegrees of G. It was established in [6] that both m and the cardinalities of the suborbits are independent of the choice of x in X.
Definition 2.5
Let G act transitively on a set X and let D be an orbit of Gx on X. Define
. Then D* is also an orbit of Gx and is called the Gx-orbit paired with D. If D = D*, then D is said to be self-paired [7] .
Theorem 2.6 (see [8] )
Let G act transitively on a set X, and suppose g Î G. The number of self- paired suborbits of G is given by
Theorem 2.7 (see [9] )
Let G act transitively on X and let Gx be the stabilizer of the point
. Let
be the orbits of Gx on X. If
, is the suborbital corresponding to ∆i, then G is primitive if and only if each non-trivial suborbital graph ᴦi is connected.
Theorem 2.8 (Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem [10] : p. 72)
Let G be a group acting on a finite set X with x in X. The size of the orbit of x in G is the index
. Thus,
Theorem 2.9 (Cauchy-Frobenius Lemma [11] : p. 98)
Suppose G is a group acting on a finite set X. The number of G-orbits on X is given by
denotes the number of elements in X fixed by g in G.
3. Main Results
3.1. Rank, Subdegrees and Suborbits of G = Dn on X[r]
The action of G on X[r] is defined by the rule;
for all g in G and
in X[r]. The set X[r] consists of all permutations of r elements from
, and its cardinality is n Pr.
Theorem 3.1.1
The action of G = Dn on X[r] is transitive if and only if n = 3.
in X[r]. Now, g fixes an ordered r-element subset if and only if
so that
. This is possible only if g is the identity. It follows that the number of elements in X[r] fixed by g is n P r. Using Theorem 2.9, the number of G-orbits on X[r] is;
The least number of G-orbits on X[r] is realized when n = r, where the number is
. If the action is transitive, then
n = 3. Conversely, if n = 3, then
, and the action is transitive.
Example 3.1.2
The set X[2] consists of all ordered 2-element subsets of
. Hence, its cardinality is n P2 =
Let [x, y] be in X[2]. Now, g in G fixes an ordered pair, [x, y], if and only if
, so that gx = x and gy = y. When n is odd, this is possible only if
g is the identity. It follows that,
. Using Theorem 2.9, the number of G-orbits on X[2] is
. Since n = 3, the number of G-orbits is 1 and G = D3 acts transitively on X[2].
When n is even, g fixes an ordered pair if g is the identity or a reflection through a diagonal. If g is the identity,
is (n P2). Since each reflection fixes 2 elements of X[2] and the number of such reflections is n/2, then
. The number of G-orbits on X[2] is;
For transitivity,
But, n ≥ 3 for G to be defined. It follows that the action is intransitive.
Theorem 3.1.3
The rank of G = D3 on X[r] is 6 and each suborbit contains 1 element.
Let the group G = D3 act on X[r] and
. Since the action is transitive,
. By Theorem 2.8,
. But
, by Theorem 3.1.1. Thus,
. Now, g in
acts by fixing each element of X[r] in its own
-orbit. Since
then the rank of G on X[r] is 6.
Clearly, the subdegrees of G are; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
Example 3.1.4
The rank of G = D3 on X[3] is 6 and each suborbit is of length 1.
Since the action is transitive,
. From Theorem 2.8,
. It follows that the size
is 1. Now, the action of g in
on X[3] fixes each of the 6 elements in its orbit. The 6 suborbits of G are:
. Clearly, the subdegrees of G acting on X[3] are: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
3.2. Some Properties of suborbits of D3 on X[r]
Some properties of suborbits of D3 acting on X[r] have been discussed in the following Theorems.
Theorem 3.2.1
The number of self-paired suborbits of D3 on X[r] is 4.
The number of self-paired suborbits is determined by the fixed point set of g2, by Theorem 2.6.
If r = 2, then g2 fixes an ordered set of 2 elements if g is the identity or g is a reflection. If g is the identity, then
. If g is a reflection, then
. Since the number of reflections is 3, then the number of
self-paired suborbits is;
. The 4 self-paired
suborbits of D3 on X[2] are;
. By Definition 2.5,
when g = (12),
when g = (23) and
when g = (13).
If r = 3, then g2 fixes an ordered set of 3 elements if g is the identity or a reflection. Computation of self-paired suborbits is similar to the case when r = 2. The 4 self-paired suborbits of D3 on X[3] are;
. Clearly, g can be chosen accordingly so that;
when g = (23),
when g = (13) and
when g = (12).
Theorem 3.2.2
Let G = D3 act transitively on X[r]. If
is a
-orbit on X[r], where
, then Di is self-paired if and only if the permutation
is such that g2 = 1.
If Di is self-paired, then there exists g in D3 such that
, by Theorem 2.5. Considering
. This implies that g(1) = x1 and g(x1) = 1, Þ
. Thus,
. Hence, g2 = 1. Conversely, if g2 = 1, then g = g−1. Now, g is such that
, Þ
. Hence, Di is self-paired.
Theorem 3.2.3
Suppose G = D3 is transitive on X[r]. Then ∆i and ∆j are paired suborbits of G if and only if the permutations g and h, in the maps g∆i = ∆0 and h∆j = ∆0, are inverses of each other.
Suppose ∆i and ∆j are paired suborbits of G. Then there exists g and h in G such that g∆i = ∆0 and h∆j = ∆0. There exists xi in ∆i and yi in ∆j such that gxi = 1 and hyi = 1. By Definition 2.5, g(1) = yi and h(1) = xi. It follows that, gh(1) = 1 and hg(1) = 1. Hence, g and h are inverses of each other. Conversely, if g and h are inverses of each other, then g maps xi to 1 and 1 to yi. Similarly, h maps yi to 1 and 1 to xi. Hence, ∆i and ∆j are paired suborbits.
Example 3.2.4
Let G = D3 act on X[2]. Then ∆3 = [3, 1] and ∆4 = [2, 3] are paired suborbits of G. Clearly, g∆3 = ∆0 and h∆4 = ∆0, when g = (123) and h = (132), where g and h are inverses of each other.
4. Suborbital Graphs of G = D3 Acting on X[r]
be a suborbit of G on X[r], where
. Then the suborbital O corresponding to ∆ is given by;
. The graph ᴦ corresponding to suborbital O is formed by considering X[r] as the vertex set and drawing an edge from
if and only if
. Now, the suborbital graph corresponding to a self-paired suborbit ∆i has an edge from
only if
. The graph corresponding to a paired suborbit ∆i has an edge from
only if
Theorem 4.1
All suborbital graphs corresponding to the action of D3 on X[r] are disconnected.
Let ᴦi be the suborbital graph corresponding to a self-paired suborbit ∆i. Suppose
is a point on the vertex set, X[r]. Then there is an edge from
if the corresponding coordinates, ci and di, are identical. The 3 coordinates can be rearranged in 3! ways. Each coordinate can take the same position in 1/3(3!) = 2 possibilities. Thus, an edge joining exactly 2 vertices is a connected component and the graph is disconnected. If ∆i is a paired suborbit, then the corresponding graph has an edge from
if none of the corresponding coordinates, ci and di, are identical. The number of such rearrangements is 1/2(3!) = 3. It follows that a path joining exactly 3 vertices is a connected component. Hence, the graph is disconnected.
Theorem 4.2
The action of G = D3 on X[r] is imprimitive.
Suppose ᴦi is a suborbital graph corresponding to a suborbit, ∆i, of G on X[3]. Then, from Theorem 4.1, the graph is disconnected. From Theorem 2.7, the action of D3 on X[r] is imprimitive.
Theorem 4.3
Let G = D3 act on X[r]. Suppose ∆i is a self-paired suborbit of G. Then the number of connected components of the suborbital graph ᴦi corresponding to ∆i is 3. If ∆i is a paired suborbit of G, then the number of connected components in the corresponding graph is 2.
Let ᴦi be the suborbital graph corresponding to the self-paired subotbit ∆i. From Theorem 4.1, the connected component is an edge with exactly 2 vertices. The number of connected components is
If ∆i is a paired suborbit, then the corresponding graph is a path joining exactly 3 vertices. It follows,
5. Suborbits of G = Dn Acting on Ordered Adjacent Vertices of G
Let G = Dn and S be the set of all ordered pairs of adjacent vertices of G. The action of G on S is defined in Section 3.1, since S is a subset of X[2].
Theorem 5.1
The action of G on S is transitive.
Let [x, y] Î S, g Î G and G act on S. Now, g fixes [x, y] only if g is the identity. It follows that
. Using Theorem 2.9, the number of G-orbits on S is 1. Hence, the action is transitive.
Theorem 5.2
The rank of G on S is 2n and each suborbit contains 1 element.
Using Theorem 2.8, the size
, for any element [x, y] in S. Since the action is transitive,
. It follows that
. Now, G[x, y] acts on S by fixing each of the 2n elements in its own orbit. Therefore, the rank of G on S is 2n and each suborbit contains 1 element.
Theorem 5.3
The number of self-paired suborbits of G = Dn acting on S is n + 1 when n is odd and n + 2 when n is even.
If n is odd, then by Theorem 2.6, g2 fixes [x, y] in S, if g is the identity or g is a reflection. If g is the identity, then
. From each reflection, the
. Since the number of reflections is n, then
and the number of self-paired suborbits is
If n is even, then g2 fixes [x, y] in S if g is the identity, or g is a reflection, or g is a rotation of 180˚. From each possibility,
. But the number of
reflections is n and hence,
. The number of self-
paired suborbits is then;
The following conjecture was revealed in the process of the investigations;
If n is odd, then the n + 1 self-paired suborbits of G = Dn on S are given by;
. If n is even, then the n + 2 self-paired suborbits of Dn acting on S are given by;
6. Conclusion
Let G = D3 act transitively on X[r]. It has been established that the number of self -paired suborbits is 4. The graph ᴦi corresponding to a self-paired suborbit ∆i is determined by g in the map
. If g fixes k in ∆0, then the corresponding graph ᴦi has an edge from
if and only if the kth coordinate of C is identical to the kth coordinate of D. The results could be used to investigate other properties of suborbital graphs associated with the action of D3 on ordered subsets.