Assessing outcomes after fast track surgical management of corpus cancer
Jonathan Carter, Shannon Philp
DOI: 10.4236/ojog.2011.13026   PDF    HTML     6,041 Downloads   9,457 Views   Citations


Objective: The aim of the study was to audit the outcomes of patients with corpus cancer managed with a fast track surgery (FTS) program. Design: Clinical audit of outcomes after laparotomy for corpus cancer and managed by FTS principles. Setting: Tertiary hospital, University based subspecialty gynaecological oncology practice. Population or Sample: Consecutive patients with uterine corpus cancer. There were no exclusions. Methods: Three year audit of FTS Database. Main Outcome Measures: Ability to tolerate early oral feeding (EOF), length of stay (LOS), perioperative complication rate and readmission rate. Results: Sixty six patients were operated upon whose median age was 59.5 years. Forty six (70%) had stage I disease, 7 (11%) stage II, 9 (14%) stage III and 4 (6%) had stage IV disease. Twenty seven (41%) had lymph node sampling performed. Median operating time was 2.5 hours. Mean BMI was 30 kg/m2 (Range: 18 - 47). Fifty patients (76%) were classified as over-weight or obese. Twenty four patients (36%) had a “non-zero” performance status. Mean intraoperative EBL was 227 ml. Median LOS was 3.0 days. There were 3 (5%) intraoperative complications. There were no intraoperative ureteric, bowel or vascular injuries. Postoperatively, 13 (20%) patients experienced a total of 24 adverse events. Only 2 (3%) patients experienced complications greater than grade 2. Conclusion: This audit shows that in an unselected group of patients undergoing laparotomy as management for their uterine malignancy and managed by a FTS protocol, overall excellent results can be achieved.

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Carter, J. and Philp, S. (2011) Assessing outcomes after fast track surgical management of corpus cancer. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1, 139-143. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2011.13026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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