A New Fairness-Oriented Packet Scheduling Scheme with Reduced Channel Feedback for OFDMA Packet Radio Systems
Stanislav NONCHEV, Mikko VALKAMA
DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2009.27068   PDF    HTML     5,214 Downloads   9,828 Views   Citations


In this paper, we propose a flexible and fairness-oriented packet scheduling approach for 3GPP UTRAN long term evolution (LTE) type packet radio systems, building on the ordinary proportional fair (PF) scheduling principle and channel quality indicator (CQI) feedback. Special emphasis is also put on practical feedback reporting mechanisms, including the effects of mobile measurement and estimation errors, reporting delays, and CQI quantization and compression. The performance of the overall scheduling and feedback re-porting process is investigated in details, in terms of cell throughput, coverage and resource allocation fairness, by using extensive quasistatic cellular system simulations in practical OFDMA system environment with frequency reuse of 1. The performance simulations show that by using the proposed modified PF ap-proach, significant coverage improvements in the order of 50% can be obtained at the expense of only 10-15% throughput loss, for all reduced feedback reporting schemes. This reflects highly improved fairness in the radio resource management (RRM) compared to other existing schedulers, without essentially com-promising the cell capacity. Furthermore, we demonstrate the improved functionality increase in radio re-source management for UE’s utilizing multi-antenna diversity receivers.

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S. NONCHEV and M. VALKAMA, "A New Fairness-Oriented Packet Scheduling Scheme with Reduced Channel Feedback for OFDMA Packet Radio Systems," International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 7, 2009, pp. 608-618. doi: 10.4236/ijcns.2009.27068.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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