Conjugate Gradient Method to Solve Fluid Structure Interaction Problem ()
1. Introduction
Problem involving fluid structure interaction occurs in a wide vatiety of engi- neering problems and therefore has attracted the interest of many investiga- tions from different engineering disciplines. As a result, much efforts has gone into the development of general computational method for fluid structure systems [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] .
Amongst the computational methods for fluid structure interaction problem, we cite the fixed point method, the Newton method, the Quasi-Newton method, the fictitious domain method. In this work we present a method based on the conjugate gradient algorithm. In effect, the fluid interaction problems occur in biomedical fluids areas for example blood flow interaction with elastic veins. Thus, this paper aims at showing that, we can combine the finite difference method, the finite element method and the conjugate gradient method to solve fluid structure interaction problem. On the one hand, we use finite difference method to approximate the structure model in order to have a linear systems, On the other hand, we solve the stokes equation by the finite element method. Moreover, conjugate gradient method will be intruduced to compute the displacement of the structure. Thus, the velocity
and the pressure
of the fluid are done in the deformed domain. In addition, the fluid represented by the blood is modelled by two dimensional Stokes equation for steady flow and the structure represented by the body vessel is modelled by the one dimensional beam equation.
2. Position of Problem
2.1. Domain Fluid
The fluid domain noted
is represented in the Figure 1.
Where, the border
is the interface between the fluid and the elastic structure
is The inflow
is a rigid border
is the outflow
is the domain length
is the domain height
is the displacement of the structure
2.2. Fluid Properties
The fluid is considered to be Newtonian, incompressible and its state is describ- ed by the velocity
and the pressure
. The balance equations are
: the fluid viscosity
the identity matrix
the volume force of the fluid
is a unit normal vector
the velocity profil in
2.3. Structure Properties
The structure is assumed by elastic beam. We note
the displace- ment of the structure, it is modelled by the beam equation
with the boundary conditions,
is the Young modulus
elastic structure thickness
the Poisson's coefficient
Remark: In Equation (6) we assume that only the pressure force is acting on the interface and also
is the transversal displacement [3] .
3. Coupled Problem
The coupled problem is to find
such that:
In order to solve this coupled problem, we transform its continuous problem into a discreet problem by using finite difference method and finite element method.
3.1. Approximation by Taylor Development
Assumption: We consider
as a small displacement.
Thus, the Taylor formula gives
the Equation (6) becomes:
we pose
, finally we have,
To discretize the Equation (11), we introduce a space step
. We denote by
the value of the discrete solution at
. We must also discretize The boundary conditions . A centred formula gives
and the boundary conditions
we rewrite the Equation (11) in the discreet form
Then, the continuous problem becomes the following algebraic equation
, where
Proposition 1. Note that
is symmetric positive definite under this assumption
Proof. We will prove that
for all
For all
we have
, for
we have
, then
. By choosing
[3] where
is the gravity force and
the structure density, we obtain
. Finally, we deduce
for all
3.2. Coupled Approximate Problem
is symmetric positive definite, so we can use the conjugate gradient method to solve the following coupled problem. Find
so that
4. Numerical Method
To solve numerically the coupled problem we use the following conjugate gradient algorithm.
Proposition 2. Let A be a symmetric positive definite matrix, and
. Let
be three sequences defined by the induction relations
, and for
is the sequence of approximate solutions of the the conjugate gradient method [7] .
Step 1: It computes in the initial field the velocity and the pressure.
Step 2: It uses the conjugate gradient algorithm to find the structure deformation
Step 3: It computes again the pressure and the velocity in the deformed domain
5. Numerical Results
Let the real noted test defined by
. We define the stopping criterion of iterations for the conjugate gradient algorithm by
the number of iterations and
We assume that the velocity on the boundary fluid domain is [3] :
We take parameters for fluid and structure in [3] [4] . (Tables 1-3)
The Table 3 shows that, if we take the tolerance
we have the convergence of the algorithm after
iterations and
and the norm of the displacement is
Freefem ++ [8] is used for the numerical tests. Figures 2-7 following display the structure displacement, the pressure and the velocity.
Table 1. Parameters of the strcuture.
Table 3. Results related to the algorithm.
Figure 4. Pressure profile in the initial domain.
Figure 5. Pressure profile in the deformed domain.
Figure 6. Velocity profile in the initial domain.
Figure 7. Velocity profile in the deformed domain.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we present a method to solve a steady coupled problem. Our method is based namely on the conjugate gradient algorithm, it takes simulta- neously into account three unknown parameters so that each of them depends on the others. To get the results it is necessary to solve the fluid in the initial domain with the finite element method in order to determine the displacement of the structure by the conjugate gradient method and finally to deduce the velocity and the pressure. The velocity, the pressure and the displacement profile compared to [2] [3] [5] appear good. In this work, the only thing to skill is to reduce the number of iterations and to apply this strategy on the unsteady problem.