Phase Transfer Catalysis of Henry and Darzens Reactions
Layla Mhamdi, Hafedh Bohli, Younes Moussaoui, Ridha ben Salem
DOI: 10.4236/ijoc.2011.13018   PDF    HTML     14,129 Downloads   33,589 Views   Citations


We describe in this work the influence of the addition of phase transfer catalyst in heterogeneous medium liquid/liquid on the output of the reactions of Darzens and Henry. It proves that the reaction of Darzens is favoured in the presence of low base such as K2CO3 and Et3N. Phase transfer catalysis is an efficient activation method in Darzens and Henry reactions. Thus, the Ethylene Diammonium Diacetate (EDD) has a comparable catalytic activity has that of quaternary ammonium salts in the reaction of Darzens.

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Mhamdi, L. , Bohli, H. , Moussaoui, Y. and Salem, R. (2011) Phase Transfer Catalysis of Henry and Darzens Reactions. International Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1, 119-124. doi: 10.4236/ijoc.2011.13018.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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