Periodic Solutions of Some Polynomial Differential Systems in R44> ()
1. Introduction
One of the main problems in the theory of differential systems is the study of their periodic orbits, their existence, their number and their stability. As usual a limit cycle of a differential system is a periodic orbit isolated in the set of all periodic orbits of the differential system.
The goal of this paper is to study the existence of the periodic orbits of the polynomial fourth order differential system
where A is 4 ´ 4 a constant matrix,
are polynomials in the variables x, y, u, v of degrees n,
being periodic functions and
is a small parameter.
There are many papers studying the periodic orbits of the fourth order differential systems and equations (see for instance [1] - [11] ). But our main tool for studying the periodic orbits of the system (1.1) is completely different to the tools of the mentioned papers, and consequently the results obtained are distinct and new. We shall use the averaging theory, more precisely Theorem 6 and 7. Many of the quoted papers dealing with the peiodic orbits of four-order differential equations use Schauder’s or Leray-Schauder’s fixed point theorem, or the nonlocal reduction method or variational methods.
To obtain analytically periodic solutions is in general a very difficult work, usually impossible. Here with the averaging theory we reduce this difficult problem for the differential system (1.1) to find the zeros of a nonlinear system of four equations with four unknowns. It is known that in general the averaging theory for finding periodic solutions does not provide all the periodic solutions of the system. To explain this idea, there are two main reasons. First, the averaging theory for studying the periodic solutions of a differential system is based on the so-called displacement function, whose zeros provide periodic solutions. This displacement function in general is not global and consequently it cannot control all the periodic solution, only the ones which are in its domain of definition and that are hyperbolic. Second, the displacement function is expanded in power series of a small parameter
, and the averaging theory only controls the zeros of the dominant term of this displacement function. When the dominant term is
, we talk about the averaging theory of order k. For more details, see for instance [12] and the references quoted there.
The method of averaging is a classical tool that allows studying the dynamics of the nonlinear differential systems under periodic forcing. The method of averaging has a long history that starts with the classical works of Lagrange and Laplace, who provided an intuitive justification of the method. The first formalization of this theory was done in 1928 by Fatou [13] . Important practical and theoretical contributions to the averaging theory were made in the 1930’s by Bogoliubov and Krylov [14] , in 1945 by Bogoliubov [15] , and by Bogoliubov and Mitropolsky [16] (English version 1961). For a more modern exposition of the averaging theory see the book of Sanders, Verhulst and Murdock [17] . For more information about averaging theory, see Section 2 of this paper.
In [18] , the authors studied the bifurcation of limit cycles from the periodic orbits of a linear differential system in
in resonance 1:n perturbed inside a class of piecewise linear differential systems which appear in a natural way in control theory. In [19] , the authors studied the limit cycles of the fourth-order differential equation
is a small enough parameter and
is a
-periodic function in the variable t. In [20] , the authors studied the autonomous case of the previous equation, (i.e. F does not depend on t) using another approach. In [21] , the authors provide sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions of the fourth-order differential equation
where p is a rational number different from 0,
is small and F is a nonlinear function. In [22] , the authors provide sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions of the fourth-order differential equation
where p, q and
are real parameters,
is small and F is a nonlinear non- autonomous periodic function with respect to t. The five previous cited papers used averaging method.
In [23] we studied the system (1.1) in dimension 3 using averaging method, i.e. the following system
is a real number, P, Q and R are polynomials in the variables x, y, z of degrees n,
being periodic functions and
is a small parameter. In this paper our objective is to provide the existence of periodic solutions of system (1.1).
Our main results on the periodic solutions of the differential system (1.1) are the following theorems.
One considers system (1.1) with
our result is the following.
Theorem 1. One defines
then for every
solution of the system
the differential system (1.1) has a periodic solution
, which tends to the periodic solution given by
of the differential system
Note that this solution is periodic of period
One considers system (1.1) with
We distinguish three cases for different parameter values
Case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:
Our results for these three cases are the following ones.
Theorem 2. Case 1
One defines
then for every
solution of the system
the differential system (1.1) has a periodic solution
, which tends to the periodic solution given by
of the differential system
Note that this solution is periodic of period
Theorem 3. Case 2
One defines
then for every
solution of the system
the differential system (1.1) has a periodic solution
, which tends to the periodic solution given by
of the differential system
Note that this solution is periodic of period
Theorem 4. Case 3
One defines
then for every
solution of the system
the differential system (1.1) has a periodic solution
, which tends to the periodic solution given by
of the differential system
Note that this solution is periodic of period
One considers system (1.1) with
Our result are the following.
Theorem 5. One defines
then for every
solution of the system
the differential system (1) has a periodic solution
, which tends to the periodic solution given by
of the differential system
Note that this solution is periodic of period
2. Basic Results on Averaging Theory
In this section we present the basic results on the averaging theory that we shall need for proving the main results of this paper.
We consider the problem of the bifurcation of T-periodic solutions from differential systems of the form
being sufficiently small. Here the functions
functions, T-pe- riodic in the first variable, and
is an open subset of
. The main assumption is that the unperturbed system
has a submanifold of periodic solutions. A solution of this problem is given using the averaging theory. For a general introduction to the averaging theory see the books of Sanders and Verhulst [17] , and of Verhulst [24] .
be the solution of the system (2.2) such that
. We write the linearization of the unperturbed system along a periodic solution
In what follows we denote by
some fundamental matrix of the linear differential system (2.2), and by
the projection of
onto its first
coordinates; i.e.
. We assume that there exists a
-dimensional submanifold
filled with T-periodic solutions of (2.2). Then an answer to the problem of bifurcation of T-periodic solutions from the periodic solutions contained in
for system (2.1) is given in the following result.
Theorem 6. Let
be an open and bounded subset of
, and let
be a
function. We assume that
and that for each
the solution
of (8) is T-periodic;
(ii) for each
there is a fundamental matrix
of (9) such that the matrix
has in the upper right corner the
zero matrix, and in the lower right corner a
We consider the function
If there exists
then there is a T-periodic solution
of system (2.1) such that
Theorem 6 goes back to Malkin [25] and Roseau [26] , for a shorter proof see [27] .
We assume that there exists an open set
such that for each
is T-periodic, where
denotes the solution of the unperturbed system (2.2) with
. The set
is isochronous for the system (2.1); i.e. it is a set formed only by periodic orbits, all of them having the same period. Then, an answer to the problem of the bifurcation of T-periodic solutions from the periodic solutions
contained in
is given in the following result.
Theorem 7. (Perturbations of an isochronous set)
We assume that there exists an open and bounded set
such that for each
, the solution
is T-periodic, considering a function
defined by
If there exists an
then there exists a T-periodic solution
to system (2.1) such that
For the proof of theorem 7 please see Corollary 1 of [27] .
3. Proof of Theorems
3.1. Proof of Theorem 1
We shall apply Theorem 7 to the differential system (1.1). It can be written as system (2.1) taking
We shall study the periodic solutions of system (2.2) in our case the system
By using
we obtain
it can be written as
These solutions are
periodic if and only if
We obtain the periodicity conditions given in the theorem 1 by (1.2).
The set of periodic solutions has dimension 4. To look for the periodic solutions of our system (1.1) we must calculate the zeros
of the system
, where
is given by (2.5). The fundamental matrix
of the differential system (2.3) is
Now computing the function
we find the system
have been defined in the statement of Theorem 1. The zeros
of the system (3.2) with respect to the variables
provide periodic solutions of system (1.1) with
being sufficiently small if they are simple, i.e. if
For simple zero
of system (3.2) we obtain a
-periodic solution
of the differential system (1.1), for
being sufficiently
small which tends to the periodic solution given in the statement of theorem 1 of the differential system
This completes the proof of Theorem 1.
3.2. Proof of Theorem 2
We shall apply Theorem 6 to the differential system (1.1). It can be written as system (2.1) taking
We shall study the periodic solutions of system (2.2) in our case the system
By using
we obtain
it can be written as
These solutions are
periodic if and only if
We obtain the periodicity conditions given in the theorem 2 by (1.3). Since
are now fixed then the set of periodic solutions has dimension 2. To look for the periodic solutions of our system (1.1) we must calculate the zeros
of the system
, where
is given by (2.4). The fundamental matrix
of the differential system (2.3) is
Now computing the function
we find the system
have been defined in the statement of Theorem 2.
The zeros
of the system (3.4) with respect to the variables
provide periodic solutions of system (1.1) with
being sufficiently small if they are simple, i.e. if
For simple zeros
of system (3.2) we obtain a
-periodic solution
of the differential system (1.1), for
being sufficiently small
which tends to the periodic solution given in the statement of theorem 2 of the differential system
This completes the proof of Theorem 2.
3.3. Proof of Theorem 3
We shall apply Theorem 6 to the differential system (1.1). It can be written as system (2.1) taking
We shall study the periodic solutions of system (2.2) in our case the system
By using
we obtain
it can be written as
These solutions are
periodic if and only if
We obtain the periodicity conditions given in the theorem 3 by (1.4). Since
is now fixed then the set of periodic solutions has dimension 3. To look for the periodic solutions of our system (1.1) we must calculate the zeros
of the system
, where
is given by (2.4). The fundamental matrix
of the differential system (2.3) is
Now computing the function
we find the system
have been defined in the statement of Theorem 3.
The zeros
of the system (3.5) with respect to the variables
provide periodic solutions of system (1.1) with
being sufficiently small if they are simple, i.e. if
For simple zeros
of system (3.5) we obtain a
-periodic solution
of the differential system (1.1), for
being sufficiently
small which tends to the periodic solution given in the statement of theorem 3 of the differential system
This completes the proof of Theorem 3.
3.4. Proof of Theorem 4
We shall apply Theorem 7 to the differential system (1.1). It can be written as system (2.1) taking
We shall study the periodic solutions of system (2.2) in our case the system
By using
we obtain
it can be written as
These solutions are
periodic if and only if
We obtain the periodicity conditions given in the theorem 4 by (1.5).
The set of periodic solutions has dimension 4. To look for the periodic solutions of our system (1.1) we must calculate the zeros
of the system
, where
is given by (2.5). The fundamental matrix
of the differential system (2.3) is
Now computing the function
we find the system
have been defined in the statement of Theorem 4.
The zeros
of the system (3.8) with respect to the variables
provide periodic solutions of system (1.1) and
being sufficiently small if they are simple, i.e. if
For simple zeros
of system (3.8) we obtain a
-periodic solution
of the differential system (1.1), for
being sufficiently
small which tends to the periodic solution given in the statement of theorem 4 of the differential system
This completes the proof of Theorem 4.
3.5. Proof of Theorem 5
We shall apply Theorem 6 to the differential system (1.1). It can be written as system (2.1) taking
We shall study the periodic solutions of system (2.2) in our case the system
By using
we obtain
it can be written as
These solutions are
periodic if and only if
We obtain the periodicity conditions given in the theorem 5 by (1.6). Since
are now fixed then the set of periodic solutions has dimension 2. To look for the periodic solutions of our system (1.1) we must calculate the zeros
of the system
, where
is given by (2.4). The fundamental matrix
of the differential system (2.3) is
Now computing the function
we find the system
have been defined in the statement of Theorem 5. The zeros
of the system (3.10) with respect to the variables
provide periodic solutions of system (1.1) and
being sufficiently small if they are simple, i.e. if
For simple zeros
of system (3.10) we obtain a
-periodic solution
of the differential system (1.1), for
being sufficiently small
which tends to the periodic solution given in the statement of theorem 5 of the differential system
This completes the proof of Theorem 5.
4. Applications
4.1. Application of Theorem 1
Consider the differential system (1) where
We can easily verify conditions (1.2)
Computing the functions
we find
The stability of the periodic solutions associated to a simple zero of
is controlled by the eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix.
The system
has four solutions
given by
and the eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix of
at these solutions are
, which have all at least two positive real parts. Since
at these four solutions
, respectively, then the differential system (1.1) has four periodic unstable solutions
, tending to the unstable periodic solutions
of the differential system
4.2. Application of Theorem 2
Consider the differential system (1.1) where
We can easily verify conditions (1.3)
Computing the functions
we find
The system
has one solution
given by
and the eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix of
at this solution are
, which have two positive real parts. Since
, then the differential system (1.1) has an unstable periodic solution
, tending to the unstable periodic solution
of the differential system
4.3. Application of Theorem 3
Consider the differential system (1.1) where
We can easily verify conditions (1.4)
Computing the functions
we find
The system
has two solutions
given by
and the eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix of
at these solutions are
, which have all at least two positive real parts. Since
respectively, then the differential system (1.1) has two unstable periodic solutions
with k = 1, 2, tending to the unstable periodic solutions
of the differential system
4.4. Application of Theorem 4
Consider the differential system (1.1) where
We can easily verify conditions (1.5)
Computing the functions
we find
The system
has three solutions
given by
and the eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix of
at these solutions are
, which have all at least two positive real parts. Since
at these three solutions
, respectively, then this differential system has three unstable periodic solutions
, where k = 1, 2, 3 tending to the unstable periodic solutions
of the differential system
4.5. Application of Theorem 5
Consider the differential system (1.1) where
We can easily verify conditions (1.6)
Computing the functions
we find
The system
has two solutions
given by
and the eigenvalues of the jacobian of
at these solutions are
, which have all zero real parts. Since
for these solutions
, respectively, then this differential system has two periodic solutions
, tending to the two periodic solutions
of the differential system
In this case we can say nothing about the stability of these solutions.
5. Conclusion
This study leads us to consider the general case when A is an n × n matrix,
are polynomials in the variables
of degree n and
, with
. In the next work, we shall generalize the studied system (1.1) in