Anterior and posterior urethral valves: a rare association


Association of anterior and posterior urethral valve is a rare congenital anomaly causing lower urinary tract obstruction in children. This paper highlights our experience with a two-month-old boy with double urethral valves. Antenatal ultrasonography failed to detect any abnormality. At the age of 1 month, he presented with urinary dribbling, straining at micturition, and febrile urinary tract infection. Clinically, the urethra was dilated at micturition. Diagnosis was confirmed by retrograde urethrogram and urethroscopy. Endoscopic ablation of both valves was done by electrocautery hook.

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Lassaad, S. , Rachida, L. , Manel, B. , Randa, S. , Mongi, M. , Kais, M. , Imed, K. , J., C. and Abdellatif, N. (2011) Anterior and posterior urethral valves: a rare association. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 1, 34-36. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2011.13009.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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