The Utility of MMPI-2 Scores with a Correctional Population & Convicted Sex Offenders
Brianna Leigh Grover
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.26098   PDF    HTML     7,590 Downloads   13,107 Views   Citations


The MMPI-2 is a widely used objective personality measure across all settings. It is especially useful in correctional settings due to its objectivity with standardized administration and scoring This helps aid many factors including volume, legal accountability, the nature of the clientele, and the need for security. Since assessments provide very useful information about prisoners for correctional staff, these factors make the MMPI-2 a very valuable test to use in prison. Studies have found no significant differences between African Americans and Caucasians, however have found subtle differences between MMPI-2 scores of males and female offenders. One specific area the MMPI-2 has been used for in prison is with sex offenders. Previous studies have aimed to use the MMPI-2 to identify high and low risk sex offenders, as well as differentiate between general sex offenders and internet sex offenders. Not only has it been used to identify certain sex offenders, it has been used in examining the predictors of completion of sex offender treatment programs.

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Grover, B. (2011) The Utility of MMPI-2 Scores with a Correctional Population & Convicted Sex Offenders. Psychology, 2, 638-642. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.26098.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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