Enlarged Gradient Observability for Distributed Parabolic Systems: HUM Approach ()
1. Introduction
Control problem of partial differential equation (PDE) arises in many different contexts and engineering applications. A prototypical problem is that of observability, which is one of the most fundamental concepts in mathematical control theory, and has been the object of various works (see [1] , [2] , [3] ), whose the aim is the possibility to reconstruct the initial state of the distributed system based on partial measurements taken on the system by means of tools called sensors. This concept depends on a very sensitive way of the class of PDE under consideration, in particular, the case of the heat and wave equations.
For distributed parameter systems, the concept of regional observability was introduced by El Jai et al. and interesting results have been obtained, whose target of interest is not fully the geometrical evolution domain
but just in an internal subregion
(see [4] , [5] ) or on a part of the boundary
(see [6] , [7] ). Later the notion of regional gradient observability was developed (see [8] ); it concerns the reconstruction of the initial state gradient only in a critical subregion of the system without the knowledge of the state. This concept finds its applications for many real problems. For example, the problem of estimating the energy exchanges between a casting plasma on a plane target which is perpendicular to the direction of the flow sub-diffusion process from measurements carried out by internal thermocouples.
Here we are interested in the concept of the regional enlarged observability of the gradient, which consists in reconstructing the initial gradient state between two prescribed profiles
only in a critical subregion interior of the evolution domain without the knowledge of the state. The introduction of this concept is motivated by many real problems. This is the case, for example, of the biological treatment of wastewater using a fixed bed bioreactor. The process has to regulate the substrate concentration of the bottom of the reactor between two prescribed levels. This concept was studied using two approaches where the first one is based on subdifferential techniques and the second one uses the Lagrangian multiplier method (see [9] , [10] ). In this work, we solve this problem using an extension of the Hilbert Uniqueness Method (HUM) developed by Lions (see [11] , [12] ).
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 we recall the regional enlarged gradient observability of a linear parabolic system, then we give some definition and properties related to this notion. Section 3 concerns a reconstruction approach using an extension of the Hilbert Uniqueness Method. Section 4 we develop a numerical approach, which is illustrated by simulations that lead to some conjectures.
2. Problem Statement
be an open bounded domain in
), with a regular boundary
let’s consider
We consider the following system
is a second-order linear differential operator with compact resolvent which generates a strongly continuous semi-group
on the Hilbert space
We assume that
is unknown. The observation space is
The measurements are obtained by the output function given by
is called the observation operator, linear (possibly unbounded) depending on the structure and the number
of the considered sensors, with dense S-invariant domain
One of the most popular examples equations with unbounded observation operator is a system of a linear partial differential equation which describes by pointwise sensors.
Moreover, the system (1) is autonomous the output function can be expressed by
is linear operator. To obtain the adjoint operator of
we have
Case 1. C is bounded (e.g. zone sensors)
We denote
its adjoint. We get that the adjoint operator of
can be given by
Case 2. C is unbounded (e.g. pointwise sensors)
In this case, we have
denote its adjoint. Based on the works (see [13] , [14] , [15] ), to state our results, we have to make the following assumptions:
can be extended to a bounded linear operator
exists and
Then the adjoint operator of
can be defined as
a subregion of
with a positive Lebesgue measure, let
be the restriction function defined by
with the adjoint
given by
Let’s consider the operator
Its adjoint is given by
is the solution of the following Dirichlet problem
We recall that a sensor is conventionally defined by a couple
, where
is its spatial support represented by a nonempty part of
is the spatial distribution of the information on the support
Then the output function (2) can be written in the following form
A sensor may be pointwise (internal or boundary) if
is the Dirac mass concentrated in
and the sensor is then denoted by
In this case, the operator
is unbounded and the output function (2) can be written in the form
We also recall that the system (1) together with the output (2) is said to be exactly (respectively weakly) gradient observable in
). For more details, we refer the reader to (see [8] ).
be two functions defined in
such that
a.e. in
for all
Throughout the paper we set
Definition 1. The system (1) together with the output (2) is said to be
-gradient observable in
Definition 2. The sensor
is said to be
-gradient strategic in
if the observed system is
-gradient observable in
Remark 1.
• If the system (1) together with the output (2) is
-gradient observable in
then it is
-gradient observable in any subregion
• If the system (1) together with the output (2) is exactly gradient observable in
then it is
-gradient observable in
Proposition 1. We have the equivalence between the following statements.
1. The system (1) together with the output (2) is
-gradient observable in
Proof. (1)
We shall show that
Suppose that
Let’s consider
such that
We have
such that
We have
we have
We shall show that
Suppose that
Let’s consider
We have
which shows that the system (1) together with the output (2) is
- gradient observable in
3. HUM Approach
In this section, we present an approach that allows the reconstruction of the initial gradient state in
The approach constitutes an extension of the Hilbert Uniqueness Method developed by Lions (see [11] ) to the case of regional enlarged observability of the gradient. Let the initial state gradient decomposed in the following form
In the sequel our object is the reconstruction of the component
be defined by
we consider the system
which admits a unique solution
(see [16] ). Let us go further in the state reconstruction by considering various types of sensors.
3.1. Pointwise Sensors
In this case, the output function is given by
denote the given location of the sensor.
there exists a unique
such that
Then we consider the semi-norm on
be defined by
the solution of (9). We consider the following retrograde system
which admits a unique solution
(see [16] ).
Let the operator
be defined by
Let’s consider the system
is chosen such that
then the system (14) could be seen as an adjoint of the system (1) and our problem of the enlarged gradient observability is to solve the equation
is the solution of the system (14).
Proposition 2. If the system (1) together with the output (2) is
- gradient observable in
then the equation (15) admits a unique solution
which coincides with the initial gradient state
to be observed in
Proof. 1. Firstly, we show that if the system (1) together with the output (2) is
-gradient observable in
then (11) defines a norm on
Let’s consider
we have
Since the observed system is
-gradient observable in
we obtain
Thus (11) is a norm.
2. Now let us prove that (15) has a unique solution. Equation (15) admits a unique solution if the operator
is an isomorphism.
Indeed, multiplying (12) by
and integrating the result over
we obtain
which gives
With the initial condition, we have
Using the Green formula, we obtain
We deduce that
is an isomorphism, consequently the equation (15) has a unique solution
which corresponds to the initial state observed in
3.2. Zonal Sensors
Let us come back to the system (1) and suppose that the measurements are given by an internal zone sensor defined by
The system is augmented with the output function
In this case, we consider the system (9),
is given by (8), and we define a semi-norm on
With the system
we introduce the operator
Let’s consider the system
is chosen such that
then the system (20) can be seen as an adjoint of the system (1) and our problem of the enlarged gradient observability is to solve the equation
the solution of the system (20).
Proposition 3. If the system (1) together with the output (2) is
- gradient observable in
then the equation (21) has a unique solution
which coincides with the initial gradient state
observed in
Proof. The proof is similar to the pointwise case.
4. Numerical Approach
We consider the system (1) observed by a pointwise sensor located in
In the previous section, it was shown that the regional enlarged observability of the initial gradient state in
is equivalent, in all cases, to solving the equation
The numerical approximation of (22) is realized when one can have a basis
and the idea is to calculate the components
of the operator
Then we approximate the solution of (22) by the linear system
where N is the order of approximation and
are the components of
in the basis considered.
be a complete set of the eigenfunctions of the operator
which is orthonormal in
We also consider a basis of
denoted by
Then the components
are the solutions of the following equation, for a pointwise sensor
In the case of a zonal sensor
we obtain
Then, we have the following algorithm :
Step 1: The subregion
the location of the sensor b.
Choose the function
Threshold accuracy
Step 2: Repeat
Solve the system (9) to obtain
Solve the system (14) to obtain
Solve the equation (23) to obtain
Step 3: The solution
corresponds to the initial gradient state to be observed in
5. Simulation Results
Here, we present a numerical example which illustrates the previous algorithm. The obtained results are related to the initial gradient state and the sensors location.
Let’s consider the following one-dimensional system in
excited by a pointwise sensor
augmented with the output function
The initial gradient state to be reconstructed is
We take
Applying the previous algorithm, we obtain the following results:
Figure 1. The estimated initial gradient state
Figure 1 shows that the initial gradient state estimated
is between
then the location of the sensor is
- gradient strategic in
The initial gradient state
is estimated with a reconstruction error
If the sensor is located in b = 0.32, we obtain the Figure 2.
Figure 2 is showing that the initial gradient state estimated
is not between
this means that the location of the sensor is not
-gradient strategic in
Figure 2. The estimated initial gradient state
Here numerically we study the dependence of the gradient reconstruction error with respect to the subregion area of
We have the following Table 1.
Table 1. Relation between the subregion and the reconstruction error.
Table 1 shows how the reconstruction error grows with respect to the subre- gion area.
The following simulation results show the evolution of the observed gradient error with respect to the sensor location.
Figure 3. Evolution of the estimated gradient error with respect to the sensor location b.
Figure 3 shows how the worst locations of the sensor correspond to a great error, which corresponds to the non-strategic sensor location.
6. Conclusion
In this work, we have considered the problem of regional enlarged observability of the gradient for parabolic linear systems. We explored an approach that leads to the reconstruction of the initial gradient state between two prescribed functions. The obtained results were applied to the head equation in a one- dimen- sional case and illustrated by numerical example and simulations. Future works aim to extend this notion in
a part of the boundary
of the system evolution domain
This work has been carried out with a grant from Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology.