Development and Application of Time-Resolved Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer
Yan Mao, Yu Bao, Wei Wang, Zhenggang Li, Fenghua Li, Li Niu
DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2011.25067   PDF    HTML     6,450 Downloads   12,337 Views   Citations


Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor, an optical sensor exploiting special electromagnetic waves-surface plasmon polaritons to probe interactions between an analyte in solution and a molecular recognition element immobilized on the SPR sensor surface, has been widely used in various realms, such as investigating biomolecular interactions and binding properties, detection of biological and chemical analytes, environmental monitoring, food safety and medical diagnostics. This paper reviews the development of SPR sensors and SPR commercial instruments, and emphatically introduces the time-resolved surface plasmon resonance (TR-SPR) techniques. The excellent performances of high sensitivity and rapid detection are easily achieved with TR-SPR spectrometer, whereas the traditional SPR spectrometer cannot be accomplished. Therefore, TR-SPR spectrometer is appropriate for real time analysis of bio-recognition events and small molecular dynamics. However, only two commercial TR-SPR instruments have been exhibited at present, Thermo FT-SPR 100 and Autolab ESPRIT (SPRINGLE). Unfortunately, the high-priced instruments are not suitable for extensive applications in laboratories at present. Herein, a novel commercial TR-SPR spectrometer has been introduced in this review.

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Mao, Y. , Bao, Y. , Wang, W. , Li, Z. , Li, F. and Niu, L. (2011) Development and Application of Time-Resolved Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2, 589-604. doi: 10.4236/ajac.2011.25067.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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