Using Multimedia Case Development as a Critical Reflective Tool for Revitalizing School Stakeholders’ Organizational Learning ()
This article reports design and development efforts associated with one school-university collaborative partnership project focused on assisting K-12 school community stakeholders struggling with difficult school improvement challenges learn how to reinvent themselves as organizational teams to engage effectively in positive school change and renewal. The project employs an alternative, immersive organizational learning design in conjunction with available multimedia technology to leverage stakeholders’ own lived experiences and leadership challenges as opportunities to engage school community participants in a unique organizational case development and team learning adventure. Multimedia case development and production activities involving school community stakeholders in one elementary school are highlighted. Insights derived from the use of multimedia case development as an organizational leading and learning tool for educators and other stakeholders in school communities are discussed.
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Claudet, J. (2011) Using Multimedia Case Development as a Critical Reflective Tool for Revitalizing School Stakeholders’ Organizational Learning.
Creative Education,
2, 199-207. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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