Creating Scenarios and Guiding Learning in a Medical Simulation Center
Gregorio Mañeru Zunzarren, Alfredo Rodriguez-Sedano
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.23044   PDF    HTML     7,760 Downloads   13,183 Views   Citations


In this article we propose to address the importance of learning scenarios in a simulation center in graduate studies in Medicine. We will describe in detail the context in which this learning is developed. To do this, we need to reflect briefly on the contents that permit the configuration of these scenarios as teaching units, the objectives which should be commensurate with the level of training and experience of the students, the activities to develop and the means by which these are arranged, and, finally, the evaluation of the process. The development of this learning would not be possible without an activity guide, as a well as an evolution and debriefing stage.

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Zunzarren, G. and Rodriguez-Sedano, A. (2011) Creating Scenarios and Guiding Learning in a Medical Simulation Center. Creative Education, 2, 316-320. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.23044.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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