On chromospheric variations modeling for main-sequence stars of G and K spectral classes
E. A Bruevich
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.38087   PDF    HTML     7,314 Downloads   11,768 Views  


We present a method of 13 late-type main-sequence stars chromospheric flux observation data calculations. These Sun-like stars have well-determined cyclic flux variations similar to the 11-year solar activity cycle. Our flux prediction is based on chromospheric HK emission time series measurements from the Mount Wilson Observatory and comparable solar data. We show that solar three - component modeling explains well the stellar observations. We find that the 10 - 20% of K - stars disc’s surfaces are occupied by bright active regions.

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Bruevich, E. (2011) On chromospheric variations modeling for main-sequence stars of G and K spectral classes. Natural Science, 3, 641-645. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.38087.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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