Synthesis of Time-to-Amplitude Converter by Mean CoeVolution with Adaptive Parameters
Yerbol A. Sapargaliyev, Tatiana G. Kalganova
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2011.48052   PDF    HTML     5,635 Downloads   9,937 Views  


The challenging task to synthesize automatically a time-to-amplitude converter, which unites by its functionality several digital circuits, has been successfully solved with the help of a novel methodology. The proposed approach is based on a paradigm according to which the substructures are regarded as additional mutation types and when ranged with other mutations form a new adaptive individual-level mutation technique. This mutation approach led to the discovery of an original coevolution strategy that is characterized by very low selection rates. Parallel island-model evolution has been running in a hybrid competitive-cooperative interaction throughout two incremental stages. The adaptive population size is applied for synchronization of the parallel evolutions.

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Sapargaliyev, Y. and Kalganova, T. (2011) Synthesis of Time-to-Amplitude Converter by Mean CoeVolution with Adaptive Parameters. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4, 447-464. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2011.48052.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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