Received 6 February 2016; accepted 26 March 2016; published 29 March 2016

1. Introduction [1]
Polygonal numbers have been meticulously studied since their very beginnings in ancient Greece. Numerous discoveries stemmed from these peculiar numbers can be seen in the basic fundamental group work of number theory today with finding such as pascal’s triangle and Fermat triangular number theorem. It becomes a popular field of research for mathematicians. The concept of polygonal numbers was first defined by the Greek Mathematical hypsicles in the year 170 BC. If the polygonal numbers are divided successively into triangles it will ultimately end up with right triangle. The right triangles immediately remind us of Pythagorean property. This leads to the idea of finding sums of squares of consecutive polygonal numbers. In this paper we calculate sums of squares polygonal numbers of consecutive orders. We also calculate the sums of squares of m-gonal numbers of consecutive ranks. We analyze some properties of the above.
2. Polygonal Number
2.1. Definition
are called generalized m-gonal numbers.
, a triangular number of rank 
Sums of Squares of Polygonal numbers of Consecutive Orders of Same Rank
2.2. Proposition


Sums of squares of Polygonal numbers of Consecutive Orders in Matrix Form [2]
Expressing the coefficients of
for 3 consecutive sums of squares in a
matrix the coefficients of sums of squares of any three consecutive terms of higher order can be obtained.
The coefficient matrix
of sums of squares polygonal numbers is

In general,
where ![]()
Recursive matrix form
Consider the initial matrix as the coefficients of
, and
for ![]()
The elements of next order
depends on the previous order elements in
except the elements of first row.
The first two rows elements of
are already occurred in
and the third row elements are depend on the elements of first two row elements.
In general, the matrix of order
depends on the previous order matrix elements
Sums of squares of Polygonal Numbers with Consecutive ranks n, n+1.
2.3. Proposition [3]
2.4. Proposition
The Triple
form the solution of the Diophantine equation
is a constant.
Consider the Diophantine equation ![]()
We try for the solution in polygonal numbers.
Take ![]()
it is clear that the triple
form the solution of the given equation in the order
2.5. Proposition
2.6. Proposition
3. Conclusion
It is observed that the polygonal numbers of consecutive ranks constitute the solution of the Diophantine equation
in the order
. Also we try to find that sums of squares of polygonal numbers are general.
: Polygonal number of order m rank n.
: Triangular Number.
16MAGn: Magna Number order n.