Spatial Reactor Dynamics and Thermo Hydraulic Behavior Simulation of a Large AGR Nuclear Power Reactor in Response to a Reactivity Step Change Disturbance
Mohammad Reza Ansari, Reza Marzooghi
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2011.33047   PDF    HTML     7,837 Downloads   11,970 Views  


In this article, two-dimensional partial differential equations with time representation of nuclear power reactor kinetics are considered for spatial reactor dynamics and thermo hydraulic behavior analysis of a large thermal advanced gas cooled reactor (AGR) type used for nuclear power generation. The equations include the neutron flux equation and delayed neutron precursor concentration, together with taking into account the equations to represent the thermo hydraulic behavior of the fuel, coolant and moderator temperatures. These equations are solved numerically using the finite difference method. For time propagation, an implicit method is applied. The desired initial condition for the reactor to stay at stable critical condition is established by finding the correct value of reactivity. The reactivity disturbance effect in the reactor is studied for different cases and presented for high reactivity values. The model was developed for the analysis of a large AGR with 2000 MWe for future power generation. The results show that the model not only behaves stably but also predicts the results physically for all the various parameters.

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M. Ansari and R. Marzooghi, "Spatial Reactor Dynamics and Thermo Hydraulic Behavior Simulation of a Large AGR Nuclear Power Reactor in Response to a Reactivity Step Change Disturbance," Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2011, pp. 366-375. doi: 10.4236/epe.2011.33047.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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