Spatial Topology Rule Checking Algorithm of Linear Entity Based on Quadtree
Shunping ZHOU, Shaohuai CHEN, Bo WAN
DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2009.11001   PDF         4,540 Downloads   8,593 Views   Citations


Spatial topology rule is the primary method to insure the consistency and validity of spatial topology relation in GIS software. Topology rule can be divided into three categories according to geographic entity’s geometric shape: point topology rule, line topology rule and polygon topology rule. At first, this paper summarizes the various linear geographic entities’ topological relations which have practical application, then designs a series of linear entity topology rules detailedly. Based on these rules, this paper proposes a topology rule checking algorithm using quadtree, which is designed on the basis of MAPGIS7.4 spatial data model. The algorithm has already been applied to MAPGIS platform and gained good effects.

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ZHOU, S. , CHEN, S. and WAN, B. (2009) Spatial Topology Rule Checking Algorithm of Linear Entity Based on Quadtree. Journal of Geographic Information System, 1, 1-4. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2009.11001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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