Erratum to “Census Ethnobotanical Study of Some Plants Used in Traditional Medicine in the City of Meknes” [American Journal of Plant Sciences 5 (2014) 2480-2496] ()
Received 6 May 2014; accepted 18 January 2016; published 21 January 2016
The original online version of this article (Moussaoui, F., Alaoui, T. and Aoudry, S. (2014) Census Ethnobotanical Study of Some Plants Used in Traditional Medicine in the City of Meknes. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5, 2480-2496. was published in July.
The authors wish to correct the following errors:
The third author does not belong to the Department of Plant Protection and Environment but belongs to the Department of Basic Sciences.
3.3. Socio-Economic Level
3.3.1. Education
Analysis of the results allowed us to distinguish 52% of the population using plants is illiterate. These results are consistent with the work of [13]. The remaining percentages represent the category of educated population up to 23% (primary), 15% (secondary), and 10% (university) (Figure 4). Although traditional medicine has existed since time immemorial, it continues to be used and that over the last ten years its popularity has only increased [10].
Analysis of the results allowed us to distinguish 55% of the population using plants is illiterate. These results are consistent with the work of [13]. The remaining percentages represent the category of educated population up to 22% (primary), 15% (secondary), and 8% (university) (Figure 4). Although traditional medicine has existed since time immemorial, it continues to be used and that over the last ten years its popularity has only increased [10].
And Errors in the Conclusions
The ethnobotanical survey we conducted allowed us to achieve a set of results for the characteristics of the target population and the therapeutic and traditional uses of medicinal plants identified. The analysis of our results shows that women use more than men medicinal plants.
Seniors know the therapeutic use of the medicinal plants than young, and this is due to a long experience acquired and passed from one generation to another.
The results also show that these are people with a family that uses more frequently than single medicinal plants.
52% of people who use traditional medicine are illiterate. Diseases of the digestive tract are treated with a more obvious percentage of 55%.
Botanically, the family is the most represented Lamiaceae (18%). The leaves are the main parts of the most common plants. The most recognized method of preparation plant is decoction. The decoction is taken orally.
From the results obtained it was revealed that there was a lack of knowledge of poisonous plants. The random use of plants was a real danger for the user.
In the same vein, 57% of people choose to treat their children with herbal remedies, and at different ages.
The ethnobotanical survey we conducted allowed us to achieve a set of results for the characteristics of the target population and the therapeutic and traditional uses of medicinal plants identified. The analysis of our results shows that women use more than men medicinal plants.
Seniors know the therapeutic use of the medicinal plants than young, and this is due to a long experience acquired and passed from one generation to another.
The results also show that these are people with a family that uses more frequently than single medicinal plants.
55% of people who use traditional medicine are illiterate. Diseases of the digestive tract are treated with a more obvious percentage of 55%.
Botanically, the family is the most represented Lamiaceae (18%). The leaves are the main parts of the most common plants. The most recognized method of preparation plant is decoction. The decoction is taken orally.
From the results obtained it was revealed that there was a lack of knowledge of poisonous plants. The random use of plants was a real danger for the user.
In the same vein, 57% of people choose to treat their children with herbal remedies, and at different ages.