Evaluation of Lignin-Calcium Complex as Thermal Stabilizer for Poly Vinyl Chloride
Hussein Ali Shnawa
DOI: 10.4236/msa.2011.26095   PDF    HTML     7,230 Downloads   11,248 Views   Citations


Chemical modification of lignin was carried out by reacted it with HI acid, then the modified lignin treated with calcium hydroxide to prepare calcium-lignin chelating complex, this derivative was examined as thermal stabilizer for PVC, thermal degradation of PVC neat as blank and containing three weight percents (1, 2, and 4) into polymer was accelerated by heat treatment at 190°C for 2 hr. then PVC films were casting from THF solvent with thickness 0.03 mm. Thermal stabilization activity of this derivative was investigated by using infrared spectroscopy, according to the results obtained calcium-lignin complex have suitable activity to increased PVC stability at low concentration depending on it’s ability to reaction with HCl as well as the chemical structure of lignin that contain phenolic properties.

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Shnawa, H. (2011) Evaluation of Lignin-Calcium Complex as Thermal Stabilizer for Poly Vinyl Chloride. Materials Sciences and Applications, 2, 692-699. doi: 10.4236/msa.2011.26095.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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