We will investigate the properties of regular elements of the complete semigroup of binary relations satisfying. For the case where X is a finite set we derive formulas by means of which we can calculate the numbers of regular elements and right units of the respective semigroup.
1. Introduction
Let X be an arbitrary nonempty set and D be an X-semilattice of unions, which means a nonempty set of subsets of the set X that is closed with respect to the set-theoretic operations of unification of elements from D. Let’s denote an arbitrary mapping from X into D by f. For each f there exists a binary relation on the set X that
satisfies the condition. Let denote the set of all such by. It
is not hard to prove that is a semigroup with respect to the operation of multiplication of binary relations. is called a complete semigroup of binary relations defined by a X-semilattice of unions D (see [1] , Item 2.1), ([2] , Item 2.1]).
An empty binary relation or an empty subset of the set X is denoted by. The form is used to express that. Also, in this paper following conditions are used, , ,
, and. Moreover, following sets are denoted by given symbols:
And is an exact lower bound of the set in the semilattice D.
Definition 1.1. Let. If or for any, then is called an idempotent element or called right unit of the semigroup respectively (see [1] -[3] ).
Definition 1.2. An element taken from the semigroup called a regular element of the semigroup if in there exists an element such that (see [1] -[4] ).
Definition 1.3. We say that a complete X-semilattice of unions D is an XI-semilattice of unions if it satisfies the following two conditions:
1) for any;
2) for any nonempty element Z of D (see [1] , definition 1.14.2), ([2] definition 1.14.2), [5] or [6] .
Definition 1.4. Let D be an arbitrary complete X-semilattice of unions, and . If
then it is obvious that any binary relation of a semigroup can always be written in the form
the sequel, such a representation of a binary relation will be called quasinormal.
Note that for a quasinormal representation of a binary relation, not all sets can be different from an empty set. But for this representation the following conditions are always fulfilled:
1), for any and;
2) (see [1] , definition 1.11.1), ([2] , definition 1.11.1).
Definition 1.5. We say that a nonempty element T is a nonlimiting element of the set D' if and a nonempty element T is a limiting element of the set D' if (see [1] , definition 1.13.1 and definition 1.13.2), ([2] , definition 1.13.1 and definition 1.13.2).
Definition 1.6. The one-to-one mapping between the complete X-semilattices of unions and is called a complete isomorphism if the condition
is fulfilled for each nonempty subset D1 of the semilattice D' (see [1] , definition 6.3.2), ([2] definition 6.3.2) or [5] ).
Definition 1.7. Let be some binary relation of the semigroup. We say that the complete isomorphism between the complete semilattices of unions Q and D' is a complete -isomorphism if
2) for and for eny (see [1] , definition 6.3.3), ([2] , definition 6.3.3).
Lemma 1.1. Let and be any two sets. Then the number of all possible mappings of Y into any subset of the set that Dj such that can be calculated by the formula (see [1] , Corollary 1.18.1), ([2] , Corollary 1.18.1).
Lemma 1.2. Let D by a complete X-semilattice of unions. If a binary relation of the form
is right unit of the semigroup, then is the greatest right
unit of that semigroup (see [1] , Lemma 12.1.2), ([2] , Lemma 12.1.2).
Theorem 1.1. Let, X and Y- be three such sets, that. If f is such mapping of the set X, in the set Dj, for which for some, then the number s of all those mappings f of the
set X in the set Dj is equal to (see [1] , Theorem 1.18.2), ([2] , Theorem 1.18.2).
Theorem 1.2. Let be some finite X-semilattice of unions and
be the family of sets of pairwise nonintersecting subsets of the set X. If is a mapping of the semilattice D on the family of sets which satisfies the condition and for any and, then the following equalities are valid:
In the sequel these equalities will be called formal.
It is proved that if the elements of the semilattice D are represented in the form (*), then among the parameters Pi there exist such parameters that cannot be empty sets for D. Such sets Pi are called basis sources, whereas sets Pi which can be empty sets too are called completeness sources.
It is proved that under the mapping the number of covering elements of the pre-image of a basis source is always equal to one, while under the mapping the number of covering elements of the pre-image of a completeness source either does not exist or is always greater than one (see [1] , Item 11.4), ([2] , Item 11.4) or [4] ).
Theorem 1.3. Let D be a complete X-semilattice of unions. The semigroup possesses a right unit iff D is an XI-semilattice of unions (see [1] , Theorem 6.1.3, [2] , Theorem 6.1.3, [7] or [8] ).
Theorem 1.4. Let. A binary relation is a regular element of the semigroup iff the complete X-semilattice of unions satisfies the following two conditions:
2) is a complete XI-semilattice of unions (see [1] Theorem 6.3.1), ([2] , Theorem 6.3.1).
Theorem 1.5. Let D be a finite X-semilattice of unions and for some and of the semigroup; be the set of those elements T of the semilattice which are nonlimiting elements of the set. Then a binary relation having a quasinormal representation of the form
is a regular element of the semigroup iff the set is a XI-semilattice of
unions and for -isomorphism of the semilattice on some X-subsemilattice D' of the semilattice D the following conditions are fulfilled:
1) for any;
2) for any;
3) for any element T of the set (see [1] , Theorem 6.3.3), ([2] , Theorem 6.3.3) or [5] ).
2. Results
Let D be arbitrary X-semilattice of unions and, which satisfies the following conditions:
Figure 1 is a graph of semilattice Q, where the semilattice Q satisfies the conditions (1). The symbol is used to denote the set of all X-semilattices of unions, whose every element is isomorphic to Q.
P7, P6, P5, P4, P3, P2, P1, P0 are pairwise disjoint subsets of the set X and let be a family sets, also
is a mapping from the semilattice Q into the family sets. Then we have following formal equalities of the semilattice Q:
Note that the elements P1, P2, P3, P6 are basis sources, the element P0, P4, P5, P7 is sources of completenes of the semilattice Q. Therefore and (see Theorem 1.2).
Theorem 2.1. Let. Then Q is XI-semilattice
Proof. Let, and is the exact lower bound of the set Qt in Q. Then from the formal equalities (2) we get that
We have, for all t and, ,. The semilattice Q, which has diagram of Figure 1, is XI-semilattice, which follows from the Definition 1.3.
Theorem is proved.
Lemma 2.1. Let. Then following equalities are true:
Proof. This Lemma follows directly from the formal equalities (2) of the semilattice Q.
Lemma is proved.
Lemma 2.2. Let. Then the binary relation
is the largest right unit of the semigroup.
Proof. From preposition and from Theorem 2.1 we get that Q is XI-semilattice. To prove this Lemma we will use Lemma 1.2, lemma 2.1, and Theorem 1.3, from where we have that the following binary relation
is the largest right unit of the semigroup.
Lemma is proved.
Lemma 2.3. Let. Binary relation having quazinormal representation of the form
where and is a regular element of the semigroup
iff for some complete -isomorphism of the semilattice Q
on some X-subsemilattice of the semilattice Q satisfies the following conditions:
Proof. It is easy to see, that the set is a generating set of the semilattice Q. Then the following equalities are hold:
If we follow statement b) of the Theorem 1.5 we get that followings are true:
From the last conditions we have that following is true:
Moreover, the following conditions are true:
The elements are nonlimiting elements of the sets, , and
respectively. The proof of condition, , and comes from the statement c) of the Theorem 1.5
Therefore the following conditions are hold:
Lemma is proved.
Definition 2.1. Assume that. Denote by the symbol the set of all regular elements of the semigroup, for which the semilattices Q' and Q are mutually -isomorphic and.
Note that, , where q is the number of automorphism of the semilattice Q.
Theorem 2.2. Let and. If X be finite set, and the
XI-semilattice Q and (see Figure 2) are -isomorphic, then
Proof. Assume that. Then a quasinormal representation of a regular binary relation has the form
where and by Lemma 2.2 satisfies the conditions:
Father, let is a mapping the set X in the semilattice Q satisfying the conditions for all., , , , and are the restrictions of the mapping on the sets,
, , , , respectively. It is clear, that the intersection disjoint elements of
the set are empty set and
We are going to find properties of the maps, , , , ,.
1). Then by properties (3) we have, i.e.,
and by definition of the set. Therefore for all.
2). Then by properties (3) we have, i.e., and by
definition of the set and. Therefore for all.
By suppose we have that, i.e. for some. If. Then.
Therefore. That is contradict of the equality, while, and by definition of the semilattice Q. Therefore for some.
3). Then by properties (3) we have
i.e., and by definition of the sets and. Therefore for all
By suppose we have, that, i.e. for some. If then. Therefore. We have contradict of the equality, since.
Therefore for some.
4). Then by properties (3) we have, i.e., and
by definition of the sets, , and. Therefore for all.
By suppose we have, that, i.e. for some. If. Then . Therefore. We have contradict of the equality, since.
Therefore for some.
5). Then by properties (3) we have, i.e.,
and by definition of the sets, , , and
. Therefore for all.
By suppose we have, that, i.e. for some. If. Then
. Therefore. We have contradict of the equal- ity, since.
Therefore for some.
6). Then by definition quasinormal representation binary relation and by property (3) we have
, i.e. by definition of
the sets,. Therefore for all.
Therefore for every binary relation exist ordered system. It is obvious that for disjoint binary relations exist disjoint ordered systems.
Father, let
are such mappings, which satisfying the conditions:
7) for all;
8) for all and for some;
9) for all and for some;
10) for all and for some;
11) for all and for some;
12) for all.
Now we define a map f of a set X in the semilattice D, which satisfies the condition:
Father, let,. Then binary relation my be representation by form
and satisfying the conditions:
(By suppose for some; for some; for some; for some. From this and by lemma 2.3 we have that.
Therefore for every binary relation and ordered system exist one to one mapping.
By Theorem 1.1 the number of the mappings are respectively:
(see Lemma 1.1). The number of ordered system or number idempotent elements of this case we my be calculated by formula
Theorem is proved.
Corollary 2.1. Let, If X be a finite set and be the set of all right units of the semigroup, then the following formula is true
Proof: This Corollary directly follows from the Theorem 2.2 and from the [2, 3 Theorem 6.3.7].
Corollary is proved.