An Optimal Algorithm for Prufer Codes ()
This paper studies the algorithms for coding and decoding Prufer codes of a labeled tree. The algorithms for coding and decoding Prufer codes of a labeled tree in the literatures require time usually. Although there exist linear time algorithms for Prufer-like codes [1,2,3], the algorithms utilize the integer sorting algorithms. The special range of the integers to be sorted is utilized to obtain a linear time integer sorting algorithm. The Prufer code problem is reduced to integer sorting. In this paper we consider the Prufer code problem in a different angle and a more direct manner. We start from a naïve algorithm, then improved it gradually and finally we obtain a very practical linear time algorithm. The techniques we used in this paper are of interest in their own right.
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Wang, X. , Wang, L. and Wu, Y. (2009) An Optimal Algorithm for Prufer Codes.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
2, 111-115. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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