Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of Surround Protection Technique on the Strain Measurement for Offshore Jacket Platform
Yongjun Xu
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2011.35056   PDF    HTML     7,185 Downloads   10,607 Views   Citations


For strain measurement on offshore jacket platform in deep water, waterproof of strain foil is always an important issue, especially, due to the high pressure in deep water. The waterproof is difficult in two places, one is between the matrix structure and the protection structure, and another is between the lead wires and the protection structure. The surround protection technique discussed in this paper is conventional and ideal, and can be operative for a long time, up to five years. In this method, a metal case and tube is added on the local position, which increases the local rigidity, but the effect on the measurement of strain is not well studied. In this paper, the effect of the surround protection technique on the strain measurement is studied by using numerical and experimental methods, and the results show that the measurement error is well in the range permitted by engineering practice.

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Xu, Y. (2011) Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of Surround Protection Technique on the Strain Measurement for Offshore Jacket Platform. Engineering, 3, 485-490. doi: 10.4236/eng.2011.35056.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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