Effects of Solution Atoms and Precipitates on Isochronal Annealing Behavior of Cold-Rolled Squeeze-Cast SiCw/Al Composites
Wenglong Zhang, Mingyuan Gu
DOI: 10.4236/msa.2011.25062   PDF    HTML     5,831 Downloads   8,936 Views   Citations


SiCw/Al and SiCw/6061Al composites, which contained 15 vol pct of whiskers, were fabricated through a squeeze cast route followed by cold rolling and isochronal annealing. Effects of whicker, solution atoms and precipitates on isochronal annealing behavior of cold rolled composites were investigated by comparing the isochronal annealing behavior between pure Al, SiCw/Al, solution-treated SiCw/6061Al and aged SiCw/6061Al. It was found that the recrystallization of SiCw/Al composite occurs earlier than that of pure Al, indicating SiCw has a role of particle stimulated nucleation. Solution atoms have no significant influence on the isochronal annealing behavior of SiCw/6061Al composite, while precipitates have such a strong retarding effect on the recrystallization of SiCw/6061Al composite that the isochronal annealing curve of aged SiCw/6061 composite loses the definable recrystallization step.

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Zhang, W. and Gu, M. (2011) Effects of Solution Atoms and Precipitates on Isochronal Annealing Behavior of Cold-Rolled Squeeze-Cast SiCw/Al Composites. Materials Sciences and Applications, 2, 465-468. doi: 10.4236/msa.2011.25062.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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