Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Wings Effect on Turbulent Flow between two contra-rotating cylinders
Maher Raddaoui
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2011.25048   PDF    HTML     5,002 Downloads   9,426 Views   Citations


Many industries in the world take part in the pollution of the environment. This pollution often comes from the reactions of combustion. To optimize these reactions and to minimize pollution, turbulence is a funda- mental tool. Several factors are at the origin of turbulence in the complex flows, among these factors, we can quote the effect of wings in the rotating flows. The interest of this work is to model and to simulate numeri- cally the effect of wings on the level of turbulence in the flow between two contra-rotating cylinders. We have fixed on these two cylinders eight wings uniformly distributed and we have varied the height of the wings to have six values from 2 mm to 20 mm by maintaining the same Reynolds number of rotation. The numerical tool is based on a statistical model in a point using the closing of the second order of the transport equations of the Reynolds stresses (Reynolds Stress Model: RSM). We have modelled wings effect on the flow by a source term added to the equation tangential speed. The results of the numerical simulation showed that all the average and fluctuating variables are affected the value of the kinetic energy of turbulence as those of Reynolds stresses increase with the height of the wings.

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M. Raddaoui, "Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Wings Effect on Turbulent Flow between two contra-rotating cylinders," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2011, pp. 392-397. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2011.25048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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