Pressure/Saturation System for Immiscible Two-Phase Flow: Uniqueness Revisited
Koffi B. Fadimba
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.25071   PDF    HTML     5,085 Downloads   9,386 Views   Citations


We give a sufficient condition for uniqueness for the pressure/saturation system. We establish this condition through analytic arguments, and then construct "mobilities" (or mobility-like functions) that satisfy the new condition (when the parameter is 2). For the constructed "mobilities", we do graphical experiments that show, empirically, that this condition could be satisfied for other values of . These empirical experiments indicate that the usual smoothness condition on the fractional flow function (and on the total mobility), for uniqueness and convergence, might not be necessary. This condition is also sufficient for the convergence of a family of perturbed problems to the original pressure/saturation problem.

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Fadimba, K. (2011) Pressure/Saturation System for Immiscible Two-Phase Flow: Uniqueness Revisited. Applied Mathematics, 2, 541-550. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.25071.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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