Asymptotic Estimates for Second-Order Parameterized Singularly Perturbed Problem ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, we are going to obtain the asymptotıc bounds for the following parameterized singularly perturbed boundary value problem (BVP):
is a perturbation parameter,
are given constants and
is a sufficiently smooth function in
. Further , the function
is assumed to be sufficiently continuously differentiable for our purpose function in
. (3)
By a solution of (1), (2) we mean pair
for which problem (1), (2) is satisfied.
An overview of some existence and uniqueness results and applications of parameterized equations may be obtained, for example, in [1] -[10] . In [11] - [14] , some approximating aspects of this kind of problems have also been considered. The qualitative analysis of singular perturbation situations have always been far from trivial because of the boundary layer behavior of the solution. In singular perturbation cases, problems depend on a small parameter
in such a way that the solution exhibits a multiscale character, i.e., there are thin transition layers where the solution varies rapidly while away from layers it behaves regularly and varies slowly [15] [16] . In this note we establish the boundary layer behaviour for
of the solution of (1)-(2) and its first and second derivatives. Example that agree with the analytical results is given.
Theorem 1.1. For
the solution
of the problem (1), (2) satisfies,
Proof. We rewrite Equation (1) in the form
, (7)
―intermediate values.
From (7) for the first derivate, we have
Integrating this equality over
we get
from which by setting the boundary condition
we obtain,
Applying the mean value theorem for integrals, we deduce that,
Also, for first and second terms in right side of (10), for
values, we have
It then follows from (11)-(13)
Next from (9), we see that
Under the conditions
the operator
admits the following maximum principle: Suppose
be any function satisfiying
then ![]()
Using the maximum principle whith barrier functions
we have the inequality
The inequlities (14), (15) immediately leads to (4), (5). After taking into consideration the uniformly boundnees in
it then follows from (8) that,
which proves (6) for
To obtain (6) for
, first from Equation (1) we have
from which after taking into consideration here
and (4)
Next, differentiation (1) gives
and due to our assumptions clearly,
Consequently, from (17), (18) we have
which proves (6) for
Example. Consider the particular problem
selected so that the solution is
First and second derivatives have the form
Therefore we observe here the accordance in our theoretical results described above.