“Historically,” note Strade and Farnsteiner in [1] , “Lie algebras emerged from the study of Lie groups.” In Section 1.1 of [1] , they give a simple example of the close connection between Lie algebras and Lie groups. In prime characteristic, David Winter [2] has defined maps which mimic the zero-characteristic exponential maps. See also Lemma 1.2 of [3] . In this paper, we focus on the following “Winter maps”: if is an element of a characteristic- Lie algebra such that we set
where is the identity transformation of. Such ad-nilpotent elements of degree less than do exist in some graded Lie algebras, as can be seen from Lemma 2.3 and Proposition 2.7 of Chapter 4 of [1] , as well as from Lemma 1 of [4] ; of course, it is well known that non-zero-root vectors of simple classical-type Lie algebras are ad-nilpotent of degree less than or equal to four.
We will show here that for such that the inverse of as a linear transformation of is, so that such transformations generate a group of linear transformations of. We will also show that where, for a linear transformation of, and as above, we define
Thus, like and, is, in a sense, the functional inverse of.
Lemma 1 If and are elements of such that and then
Proof. We group terms with respect to total degree in and
Lemma 2 Let, and suppose that is an element of such that then
Proof. We have by Lemma 1 that equals
which we can write in terms of binomial coefficients as
By the Binomial Theorem, the above expression is equal to
which we can rewrite as
and recognize as.
Lemma 3 For any integer and any integer, , we have
Proof. We proceed by induction on and. When, we must have, and we have For any, when, we have
Now, for any and any positive integer less than, suppose that for all positive less than Then we have
by induction, and the fact that (the “case”).
Lemma 4 Let be an element of such that. Define
Then for any positive integer less than,
Proof. We proceed by induction on. Since when, (3) is just (2), the initial step of the induction proof is established. Suppose (3) is true for. Then equals
We group terms with respect to total degree (, in this case) in and get that
Rewriting the above expression using another binomial coefficient, we get that equals
We change the order of summation to get
We replace the index of summation by to get
Adding and subtracting terms, we get
Setting, we see, as in the proof of Lemma 3, that when r ≥ 1,
by that same Lemma 3. Thus,
so from the Binomial Theorem, we get that equals
We now distribute to get that equals
We replace the latter index of summation by to get that equals
We change the order of summation and factor to get that equals
By binomial arithmetic equals
The above displayed formula is just (3) for; i.e., equals
Thus, the induction step is complete.
Theorem The linear transformation of has as its inverse, whereas the map of to the group of non-singular linear transformations of has as its inverse, in the sense that
(a)., and
Proof. (a) If, in Lemma 2, we let and, we see that (a) is true.
(b) Since equals the of Lemma 4, we have that equals
which, by Lemma 4 equals
We replace the index by to get that
We change the order of summation to get that
We replace the index by to get that
We cancel an and a and combine the factors to get that
We replace the index by and we replace the index by, and we get that
We change the order of summation to get that
We now appeal to a little more binomial arithmetic to observe that since and, it follows by induction that
from which we obtain that
We replace the index by to get that
Finally, we use Lemma 3 to see that we are left with